Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 13 augustus 2023

Those Who are Engaged in Krishna Consciousness, Associate with Them - Prabhupada 0622.

Note to self : I try to apply the regulative principles to my life.
I left drug use already 4 years ago except some occasional CDB and marihuana and one MDMA session as trauma-therapy for deprogramming bad things from my past,
I don't drink anymore,
but am still fighting nicotine addiction.
I chant japa daily and do my volunteerswork with Dr Cousens,
the peace meditations and the planetary healing club.
I pray for all those souls who fight to overcome their addictions,
or those stuck in it.
Be aware that so-called benzodiazepines can cause braindamage.

Inspiration :

For more info, look here :

Do It - Dialogs With Dr. Cousens & Dr. Sacks 8/7/23

Click here to watch the replay.


For all those souls struggling with addictions,

you are not alone.

I found the advice from a man named online Krishna ... like Krishnamurti but something else,
and He said wisely : I you refuse to be manipulated you will be rejected.
Thanks Krishna for your guidance.
I love you,
k. Gabriel

May all sentient beings be released from suffering.

Thanks to Gabriel Gonsalves for posting.

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