Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 3 oktober 2022

Lost Arts Radio LIVE - Dialogues with Dr Gabriel Cousens. 

Richard Sacks is a private consultant on “aging” and life transformation. He has been an independent health scientist since 1965, after working in his father’s medical research lab through high school. During the last 25 years, Richard has also been involved in a deep investigation of the global power structure, its infiltration into positions of government and corporate power worldwide, where its organization and direction is coming from, and what are its intentions for humanity in the years immediately ahead. His says that we are witnessing a systematic, ceremonial sacrifice of all life on our planet, including the perpetrators themselves, who are on a suicide mission, expecting their reward on a non-physical level of existence, once their mission is successfully completed. They are the high-level real Satanists, out of public view, giving orders to the so-called “elites” of the world. But that extinction plan has a weak spot they hope we don’t discover. Every human being, walking through a life of imagined limitations, has a forgotten true nature, powerful enough to end the nightmare that has been human history for many thousands of years. Like lucid dreamers carrying out a conscious plan for a renaissance of beauty in this fluid dreamscape called the “real world,” those willing to wake up within the dream will access this transformative power not from their own small egos, but by learning to get completely out of the way and let Spirit live and work through them. Not as a belief, but in real experience. This is the focus of Richard’s work as an awakening human being, consultant and teacher. Web sites are:

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