Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 18 juli 2022

Brussels burgemeester Close wil cannabis uit strafrecht halen. (Dutch / English)

Focus op harddrugs 

“Ik wil dat dit op de agenda komt zodat mijn politieagenten meer tijd
krijgen om te werken op de handel in harddrugs. 


The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a “gift” from the Christed E.T.’s long ago to help Earthlings “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to “experience” God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to “experience” for the first time, or remind yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now, The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement! 

The hard-drug-maffia is related to the black lodge and the left-hand path. The wise avoid this. The addicts are their victims.

(lost souls and the left-hand path / Article in Dutch)

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