woensdag 29 juni 2022

Michael Beckwith's advice.

The world and the planet are not synonymous. The living planet we call Earth is 3/4 water, full of mountain ranges, deserts, frozen tundra, and rainforests. The world we identify with is created by our perceptions, opinions, agreements, and conversations. You see, we all live in different worlds on the same planet. You chose to take an incarnation and move through this world, and you're constantly being bombarded by suggestions along the way.

Keep in mind that the words "suggest" and "tempt" mean the same thing. You are tempted with suggestions of what is right and real. These ideas are loaded and coded into the mental atmosphere of the Earth. Examples include: "life is hard until you die, there's not enough good to go around; there's so much to be afraid of." Powerful people use them to make the population lose interest in creativity and individualization. These suggestions must be neutralized and dissolved or else we'll live in that particular world and prove that world's existence to ourselves through its experience. We have to remember that just because something is experienced doesn't make it real.

The world is full of suggestions about fear, doubt, and worry, but you are in the teaching of oneness, wholeness, and connectivity in the presence of God. You are changing your world every moment by coming into the vibrational frequency of appreciation, dynamic peace, and pure love. You end up feeling connected in a wordless prayer that radiates from you. You become aware that it is truly impossible to experience the presence of God because you can only have a realization of God. As you begin to open yourself to feelings through awareness and devotion, the presence of God allows you to transcend those suggestions through insight and become free through spiritual practice.

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