woensdag 29 juni 2022

Anyone Who Desires to be Initiated in Our Society, We Put Four Principles - Prabhupada 0691.

I stopped smoking and drinking coffee for the second day.
Doing the maha mantra every day.
I am following the advice of Michael Beckwith and am practicing life visioning,
embracing the soul's purpose on earth, what the Eastener would call dharma.
It's a pure scientific method, if it wouldn't work, I would admit it,
but bhakti yoga is the highest form of yoga as stated in the Bhagavad Gita.
Muslims can meditate on Allah, Jewish people can meditate on Jahwe.
I envisioned protection given by all Avatars of past, present and future throughout the space and time together with all the benevolent archangels, angels and ascended masters.
At a higher level one can transcend space and time.

In gratitude and love,

Kristo Gabriel

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