Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

woensdag 7 oktober 2020

The Mother talks about Total Surrender

Mirra Alfassa, called ‚Mother', was born 1878 and raised in Paris (France).

Later she lived in Algeria, Japan and India. She concentrated on spiritual, philosophical and mystical experiences and teachings. Together with Sri Aurobindo she founded an Ashram in Pondicherry (India) and developed the Integral Yoga, that aims the transformation of the entire Being.

Auroville website :

"Given the ongoing pandemic situation and taking into consideration the Auroville context as well as the state government guidelines, it has recently been decided to reopen Auroville only for long term guests and volunteers who want to come and engage in various activities to learn about and explore Auroville, as well as family members of residents. Auroville stll remain closed for short term (less than 2 weeks) visitors and day visitors. This decision will be reviewed at the end of September and updates will be shared as and when changes are agreed upon. Please note, on arrival in Auroville all long term guests, volunteers and family members will be expected to follow the rules as applicable from the state government guidelines about quarantine and safety regulations."
All updates and details in Tamil language can be found on our page

Donating to Auroville projects, online or offline


Money is not meant to generate money; money should generate an increase in production, an improvement in the conditions of life and a progress in human consciousness.

On Influenza & Epidemics - Words of Wisdom


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