Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 4 september 2020

Message from Roy Michael Martina

 Hi Kristof Gabriel, 

In this week's video, I am taking a big risk and that is to reveal to you what is going on quietly behind your back and what you need to know about what is coming your way.

I have been healing and teaching for over 40 years, yet, in these turbulent times, I’ve been censored, threatened, and more for sharing my knowledge and effective therapies for COVID-19 with the world.

Based on the research I’ve been doing and discussions with colleagues, I want to share with you what is coming next...despite the very real possibility that this research may be censored and this video banned from all social platforms.

You can skip reading this email and go directly to the video I made for you and then you decide if you want to share it with your loved ones and friends, before it is too late. CLICK HERE

Behind the scenes

Simply put, scientists are using this current plan-demic to create a new human race. When I first discovered this, I thought that this was a joke... some story concocted by someone on LSD. Then I looked deeper. At the same time, Elon Musk shared on the internet - NEURALINK, another development to connect people to a computer. In one way, it all sounded fantastic. Who doesn't want to have superpowers?! Digging deeper, I discovered DARPA was also developing a brain chip to make super soldiers with incredible fast reflexes.

The catch and bait for superpowers

The plan is to make humans better, faster, and smarter with the use of a simple vaccination that also will make you immune to COVID-19. That is the bait, but there is a catch...

The catch? Bill Gates has talked openly on a TEDtalk about using vaccinations to reduce the population of the planet. Bill Gates said that done the right way, vaccines could help reduce the population of the planet by 10-15%. This is around 1,139,100,000 people! Can you imagine that? In Africa and India, they've already sterilized tens of thousands of young women with vaccines.

MODERNA, a company SPONSORED by Bill Gates, that has never created a vaccination or medicine before, is working at full speed on the vaccine for  COVID-19. Before COVID-19, they had been doing stem cell research.

Totally unrelated (you would think), Monsanto, a GMO food manufacturer, worked with the same ideas to create new seeds by manipulating DNA Guess what? Bill Gates is one of the investors of Monsanto.

Moderna one of the companies ahead in the race for a new vaccine

Back to Moderna. They have created this RNA vaccine for COVID-19, something that usually takes 5 years in just 5 months. Are they striving for a world record or are they skipping steps?

There has barely been enough time to research the short term effects of this new vaccination, let alone the long term effects. Meanwhile, in comparable studies, some of the long term effects of similar RNA vaccines have included increased cancer rates, increased mutant genes, and autoimmune reactions, just to name a few.

The new way to get vaccinated

The vaccine will be administered with micro-needling - a less painful injection, and the way it works is that your body’s DNA will read the RNA code, your body's T-killer cells will start recognizing it, and supposedly kill the virus when you are exposed to the real deal! Sounds great, right? But wait...


The way this happens is through a process called transfection, which is the same procedure used in creating GMOs. But as we know, all of the GMO products ended up toxic for humankind and have even led to cancer. Monsanto paid millions in lawsuits. With no long term studies on a vaccine like this, how could we know what result this will have on the human body?

The lie they spread like a virus

Meanwhile, Moderna touts that their vaccine will not genetically modify humans and will not alter our genome. They don’t know that, and we won’t know that until we can study the long term effects 5 -10 years from now. We will not know all of the negative side effects until it is too late.

The question to ask.

Another piece of the puzzle is that the synthetic RNA they are using is patented. When this mixes with your genome (DNA) means that you are carrying a patented product in your body and DNA. Does this now mean that they own you? Monsanto at one point began suing farmers because they owned the patented seeds and when those seeds ended up on another farmers’ land, they fought for the right to then own the products that resulted.

Lucifer shows his face

Another ingredient in this new vaccine is an enzyme called Luciferase. Does that name sound familiar? (Lucifer perhaps?) This is the same enzyme that makes jellyfish and fireflies glow. So why would we need it in a vaccine? This is like a barcode that can be scanned to check if you’ve been vaccinated. You literally become a product with a barcode.

The military work with Bill Gates

This vaccine will also include Hydrogel. A product created by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), an agency that creates things like wartime defense products, nanotechnology, and more. Nanotechnology can be smaller than a blood cell and can connect to artificial intelligence to do things like hack your phone, measure your vitals, report what medications you’re taking, etc. What’s even more worrisome is that Nanotechnology can also receive information from the outside and influence us.

Bill Gates and DARPA have invested in Gene Driven technology. This technology has the power to wipe out a part of a population. But who decides what or who stays and who goes? And why the rush? We’re being fed lies about hurrying to save the planet, but really it’s a rush to profits.

The second wave and lockdown to come in the next flu season

Dr. Fauci already said that this winter he expects a second wave, and we may have a second lockdown. The reason for this is simple, Fauci who holds patents on COVID-19 virus and vaccinations has a lot to gain just like his friend Bill gates from the profits made with vaccinations. These people don't care about the economy and actually are using the destruction of people's livelihood as a way to get people vaccinated.

Forced vaccinations is in the pipeline

While this vaccine is being created, governments have been quietly working to change laws that state that in times like these, they can force us to take vaccinations.

Can you trust the media?

The media is spreading propaganda about the new vaccinations coming and how that will help us to go back to a normal life.

On the other side, doctors and scientists around the world who have discovered that there are easy ways to treat the virus with zero side effects and up to 1005 cures are being quieted when speaking up about alternative treatments for COVID-19, including me. Who are you going to believe?

I hope I am totally wrong, and that all of this is just not true. I even pray to be mistaken, and I fear that I will be confirmed in November unless enough people wake up and make a stand. My hope is that President Trump will not force vaccinations on his nation in order to win the election. I pray for that not to happen. I don't care about politics or Trump or Biden, I don't believe in honest politicians after what I have seen this year. I pray for all of us and the next generations to come.

Your choice

If you don’t want to become a Human 2.0, we must fight for our rights, and we must protect ourselves from the inevitable second wave that’s coming.

To understand it better, watch the video below, and share with friends if you find it useful. 👇

If you have questions contact us at:
To stay healthy, please check out our resources at:

Stay safe, 


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