Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 4 juni 2020


God Almighty, thank you for the many blessings that you have given to all humanity. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We are now aware that thousands of children in every country around the world are being abused by organized child prostitution rings. But we have faith that your divine power is greater than any power on Earth. Thank you for sending the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in so many ways. Thank you for the army of your angels who guide and defend us. When possible, may the hearts of these child abusers be turned away from evil, back to decency. May the hearts and minds of those in authority be guided by your divine righteousness so that they liberate and help these abducted children. Thank you for having sent your angels to comfort the souls of the hundreds of thousands of children who have already been lost to these evil practices. May you open the eyes of those who refuse to see this problem. May you open the hearts of those who fail to care about these children. May you open the minds of those who refuse to believe in the truth. We pray for all this in the holy name of your son, our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. Truly.
Please share with your friends. Thank you for reading and remember to pray for the children, in your own way.

Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.

— Moses

Source :

Psychiatrie heeft grote rol gespeeld in het mind controllen van indiviuen. Psychiaters beginnen vaak aan hun beroep met de intentie om mensen te helpen en te genezen, maar het systeem waarin ze werken is toxisch en doet vaak het tegenovergestelde. Psychiatrische drugs zijn heel schadelijk. Het psychiatrische systeem heeft niks met geestelijke gezondheid te maken. Hoewel vele mensen dit niet realiseren: Monarch Mind Control wordt routinematig gedaan in psychiatrische ziekenhuizen door psychiaters. Allemaal het werk van de Illuminati. Maar het bewustzijn over deze zaken neemt gelukkig toe. “What I realized was that some psychics are legitimate and that the fraudulent institutions of healthcare, mass media and government are not to be trusted.” Kerth Barker From His book : Mental Liberations in the age of thought control, deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse MK ULTRA, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Contro, Author of Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers, Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor.

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