zaterdag 15 februari 2020

Prayers to G'd and Lord Gauatama Buddha to remove the demons.

You can call upon G'd and the Ascended Masters and the Archangelic Host to remove demons and to co-create a Peaceful Future and a Golden Age for humanity.
May the forces behind war and money (they are interrelated) be exposed.

For instance :

Gautama Buddha, remove space from the fallen beings in the mental realm who have taken over the mass media and use it as a means for control.

(I ask G'd, the Avatars, the Archangels and the Ascended Master to remove all demonic entities that control the mainstream media and the people who work there.
We say 'no' to you and remind you that your time is over.
You will will be removed from power with the help of G'd, the Archangels, and the Ascended Masters.
No longer we allow you to control the minds of the masses.
May the Host of Heaven expose them for all to see.

When these demonic entities don't stop controlling the minds of the masses. G'd and the Hosts of Heaven will remove them from embodiment so that they can go to a planet that reflects their consciousness.)

(May real truthful news with FACTS take over.)


And so it is.

Thank you.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

Kristo(f) Gabriel

(Note : I do NOT support the horrors of the Inquisition.
It is a very low consciousness that terrorizes people.)

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