zaterdag 15 februari 2020

Prayer of Hope for humanity #PEACE.

"Divine Director, awaken humanity to the reality that there is a realistic potential that war can be removed from this planet within a foreseeable future. Cosmic cycles are aligned so that this can be achieved."

(Bankers and Kings created the wars,
that create only wealth for a small wealthy elite,
and steals it from the people who are most of the time fighting these created wars.)

Stop fighting useless wars.
Refuse to conform.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

A workbook for those who are serious about bringing peace Do you feel that war has been around long enough on this planet, but you don't see what you can do about it? This book explains that we human beings do not have the power to stop war, but that our universal spiritual teachers, the ascended masters, do have that power. What they lack is the authority, which they can only receive from us. By using the teachings and practical tools in this book, you can make a personal contribution towards giving the ascended masters the authority to stop war. The profound teachings in this book explain the spiritual causes of war and expose the hidden forces that have created and sustain war, using human beings as pawns in their meaningless games. By using the tools, you will help the ascended masters remove the unrelenting forces of war, and this is the key to bringing true peace. This book is given as direct revelation by the Ascended Master Mother Mary, who holds the Office of the Divine Mother for all people. She says that if enough people use the tools in this book, the forces of war can be removed within the foreseeable future. Will you make a personal contribution towards making war a thing of the past?

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