Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 28 december 2019

Alert : Psychiatry is Edging Dangerously Close to Eugenics in America.

If this doesn't change, psychiatry will simply disappear as it is today.

The roots of nazi-eugenics

War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race

The science of psychology in the golden age

What has been one of the major contributions of science? If you actually go back to the society you had before the advent of science, you will see something that you often do not think about in today’s day and age. You have grown up with the concept promoted by science that it is possible to explain certain things in a universal, objective manner that is not affected by human beliefs or superstitions or by a particular religious interpretation. Yes, it is ironic that this same science has been hijacked by materialism, which has the exact same approach as the religions have of defining how the universe should work, wanting to force people to accept this, wanting to force the universe to fit into their thought system. Nevertheless, science has still introduced the concept that it is possible to look at how does the universe actually work instead of having a theory and seeking to impose that theory upon the universe, therefore forcing the results of science to conform to the theory. 
Again, you can say: “Isn’t that what science is doing today where many scientists are wanting their results to conform to materialism?” Yes it is, my beloved, but still you have the concept that it is possible to make observations and experiments and look at the results and look at what that says about how things actually work and therefore we can discard the theories that we cannot support through these observations. Well, it is possible to take this exact approach to the human psyche, to the concept of consciousness, and it is possible to investigate consciousness. You can look at how does the psyche actually work, what works, what doesn’t work. You can conduct observations, conduct experiments and then you can come up with something that we are giving you today as a mystical philosophy. You can actually come up with it as something that is completely based on experience and experiment. Therefore, you can come up with an entirely new view of the psyche that when it is developed will not be seen as religious or even spiritual. 
It will be seen as simply a natural, objective, neutral realization, a higher awareness and a natural element in the evolution of humanity, a higher awareness of how the human psyche works, what a human being is, what our potential really is. When you come to this point, you are so to speak de-mystifying the topic and therefore it is not a religious approach because you are not actually asked to believe this, you are asked to test it out yourself. 
Can you raise your consciousness? Can you feel a difference? Well, then it obviously works for you, doesn’t it? Does following this path make you feel better about yourself? Well, then it must work. As more and more people begin to actually demonstrate that it works, there will be that shift where now it is not a matter of calling it religious, it is not a matter of belief or not belief. It has simply become the new norm, the newly accepted truth. 
Do you realize, my beloved, that if you go back just a hundred or two hundred years and look at the average person, they had virtually no concept of the psyche; what the psyche is, how it functions. Modern science (and in part credited to Sigmund Freud who although he took this in a slightly unfortunate direction, still broke new ground and made psychology a more accepted science) has produced an increase in the awareness of the psyche. Most people in the more developed part of the world have an awareness that there is something called the human psyche and it has a great impact on their lives.
There can be psychological problems, psychological illness, and if you go back just a few decades you would see how there was an incredible social trauma associated with seeking help with psychological problems. Psychological illness was a taboo that most people did not even dare to acknowledge for themselves. They certainly did not dare to seek help because it was considered as socially unacceptable in many circles. 
Of course, it still is today in some, but you can clearly see that in many nations that trauma has gone away. The stigma has gone away and more and more people are seeking help with depression or other mental illness. They are going to psychologists, other forms of therapy and this is a development that you could scarcely have foreseen just a few decades ago. 
What has shifted here is that the awareness of the psyche (that it has a great impact on your life and that it is necessary for human beings sometimes to do something about their psyche) has now become accepted. It has now become normal and it is not a big leap to go to the point that instead of waiting for a mental illness to occur, it is better to have an ounce of prevention. You then teach the children from an early age how to avoid mental illness by actually looking at how society can help children function better and help their citizens function better and come to feel good about themselves. This is not religious, it is not spiritual, it is not mystical. It is only a matter of time before it comes to be seen that this is absolutely natural and absolutely self-evident. People will look back and can scarcely understand that there was a time where individuals and societies resisted this, which now seems so self-evident. 
As a result of this, these religions that give you answers from without and demand that you will believe in these answers even if they don’t make sense, will clearly fade away. This does not mean that people will not have questions about the spiritual aspects of life and naturally these questions will not be answered by some state-defined religion. They will not be answered as people go to school and get an education because this will be focused on the universal aspects of the psyche. People will naturally pursue this on an individual basis. Again, I do not actually look at the emergence of one dominant religious, spiritual or mystical teaching or philosophy even though I, of course, look to the fact that ascended masters will become more known, will become more accepted and that more and more people will study our teachings on an individual basis. 
There always will be room for other spiritual teachings, other directions. There will be room for many different kind of spiritual communities. Maybe they will not even be called spiritual communities because they will be seen as a form of community where people can come together and support each other in the raising of consciousness, in the answering of their questions about life and fulfilling that basic human need that most people have and that more people will become aware of, namely that you need to have some understanding of who you are, how the world works and how you fit into the world. 
Of course, there are many different levels. I do not look to this process as coming to a point where, when you have gone through the educational system, everybody is at the same level of consciousness. Naturally, people will come into embodiment at many different levels and so there will still be many different levels of consciousness in society. In fact, there will always be 144 possible levels of consciousness on earth even if the scale shifts upwards. Therefore, these people will need different things, different explanations, different practices because there will be a greater awareness of the need to practice some form of technique in order to raise your awareness. Again, there will not be one that will be sponsored or acknowledged officially by society. It will be up to people to choose this individually. 

Focusing on possibilities rather than problems

There are so many things here that can and will happen as the consciousness goes through this series of shifts that I envision that it can be difficult for most people to even fathom that such changes can happen. This is actually one reason why we have so far focused on giving you an awareness of the problem because many people are still so focused on the problems that they are able to grasp that yes, if there is to be a better age, we need to overcome this and that and the next problem. 
There will be a shift, that is perhaps more subtle than any of the others, and it is that people will begin to shift their focus away from the problems and shift onto the possibilities, the potential. Suddenly, it will be seen that right now many people think that the problems are real and the potential is a fantasy or at least very unlikely. There can be a shift where people begin to realize that, in a sense, from a certain perspective it is the problems that are unreal and it is the potential that has reality to it. It is the possibilities that are real and this can lead to a shift, which has already happened in many nations. There have been these gradual shifts up throughout the last century where the material affluence has been increased. People have without realising this shifted into a more positive view of life, into a more trusting view of life. They have felt that perhaps they live in a more friendly universe than their grandparents did, and certainly a more friendly world. 
This can cause this shift where people begin to actually accept that the material realm, the mother realm, wants to nurture them and give them everything they need in the material so that they can pursue the raising of consciousness. This is again a very subtle shift that can have incredibly widespread impact on how people feel about themselves, how they feel about the world, how they feel about each other, how they relate to each other. Suddenly, if you do not distrust the universe, why do you need to distrust your neighbour, especially when you experience that basic humanity in both yourself and your neighbour. 
Suddenly, you will see that neighbouring nations who have had conflicts in previous centuries, maybe even previous decades, nations who have had distrust of each other, suddenly this will dissolve and they can scarcely understand how they used to look at each other with this distrust. They realize that really why shouldn’t we trust each other, after all we are so alike? 
One of the areas where this potentially could happen is among the three Scandinavian countries: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. They are so alike in language, in culture and in mindset. Once you see beyond certain national differences, you see that they are so alike in mindset. So why is it that nations such as Denmark and Sweden have had so many wars between them over the centuries that the only two nations that have had more wars is England and France? This is a fact that many people in Scandinavia are not aware of. So why is this my beloved?
Therefore, there is a potential, a very real potential, that the Scandinavian countries can suddenly step up to a higher level of consciousness and say: “Why are we distrusting each other? Why are we not cooperating more?” This, of course, can happen in other parts of the world as well where there are nations that are very close to each other. They have simply been trapped in a spiral where they do not know why they do not trust each other they just don’t. Nobody is willing to stand back and say: “Does it actually make sense that we carry on with this distrust that might have been reasonable decades or centuries ago but is it relevant, is it even relevant today?”
My beloved, you can see how what I am attempting to give you here is an overall vision. We have made you aware of many problems. We need you to make the calls on them so that we can step in and do our part. Of course, I do not want you to think that the main process of manifesting the golden age is overcoming all of these problems. Even if we overcame all of these problems tomorrow, this would not automatically manifest the golden age. The golden age is something that needs to be co-created between people in embodiment and myself. It needs to be brought forth gradually so that people feel that it has not been dropped upon them but that they have played a part in manifesting it. They have a sense of involvement and ownership, and the greater part of bringing this golden age is to shift the consciousness. When you shift the consciousness the problems fade away. They are transcended.
Now, why do we need you to make the calls on these problems? Well, partly because we are having you make calls on raising the consciousness, but we also are having to make the calls that allow us to step in and bind and consume the demons and the entities and remove the fallen beings who are aggressively perpetuating the problems and have created them in the first place. You see that it is a two-pronged process. If you do not remove the dark forces, people will not be able to shift their consciousness into a positive approach. When you remove the dark forces, this shift becomes so much easier and when the shift happens it is not that all of the problems will be solved in a linear way. It is not that the cause of the problem will be destroyed, as we have said before, but people will simply transcend the consciousness. Suddenly, the problem either fades away or people no longer focus on it because they are focused on the solution, on the possibility of manifesting a better society. This is what will truly manifest the golden age, but it cannot be done as long as peoples’ attention is pulled into all of these negative spirals perpetuated by the fallen beings and the dark forces. It simply cannot be done.
Well, you could say that it can be done as it has been done over the past 2,000 years but it will be a much more slow process. Therefore, what we envision is to speed up the process so that by removing these dark forces, people will suddenly wake up and feel free from this weight that used to pull them into all of these reactionary patterns and spirals. When they no longer have this pull, they will be free to step back and say: “Why are we having this distrust? Why are we doing things this way? Why aren’t we looking for better solutions? Surely, there must be better solutions out there.” Suddenly, there is a raising of the awareness that yes here is a better solution and suddenly people who will see that it is not a matter of forcing this upon society or forcing it upon other people. It is simply self-evident that this is the next step in the evolution of society.

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