Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 2 december 2018

Mother Mary's Miracle Forgiveness Rosary.

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.
(Insert personal prayer here)

Lord's Prayer
Our Father-Mother God who is within all life, we honor your Presence, the I AM, within us. We accept your kingdom manifest on Earth through us. We accept our responsibility to manifest your will on Earth, as it is manifest in Heaven.
We accept that you are giving us our daily opportunity to be all that you are. We acknowledge that you forgive us our imperfections, as we forgive each other and surrender our will to the higher will within us. We therefore accept the truth that the universe returns to us what we send out.
We take responsibility for our lives and our planet. We vow to rise above the temptations of the lower self, so that you can deliver us from all imperfect energies. We affirm that your kingdom, power and glory is manifest on Earth, now and forever. Amen.

Oh Mother Mary, teach me the power of forgiveness
1. Oh Mother Mary, help me see that when I allow myself to feel anger, blame or the desire for revenge against another person, I am creating or reinforcing a vortex of negative energy that pulls my soul down into the bowels of Hell.
Hail Mary
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore.
NOTE: The above Hail Mary is the one best suited for the present Aquarian age consciousness. The Hail Mary below is the original one, given as a transition between the Piscean and Aquarian consciousness. You can use either one according to your own sense of what resonates with you.

Hail Mary
Hail Mary, one with Grace,
the Lord is with us through you. 
Blessed are we by your miracle Grace,
and by the miracle love of your son, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of Miracles,
we surrender our fears, now and forever.
We accept God’s unconditional love,
and see the Miracle Kingdom manifest on Earth.

2. Oh Mother Mary, help me reach the state of inner resolution that gives me the spontaneous determination that I will not sacrifice my soul on the bloodstained altar of revenge.
Give the Hail Mary.
3. Oh Mother Mary, help me recognize the eternal truth that I cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven as long as I hold on to any negative feelings toward any part of life.
Hail Mary
4. Oh Mother Mary, help me reach the inner knowing that it is not how much I hold on to that will get me to Heaven. It is how much I let go of that will get me to Heaven.
Hail Mary
5. Oh Mother Mary, help me feel the pure love that my soul has for my I AM Presence, so that I can experience the all-consuming desire to once again be united with that part of my Being.
Hail Mary
6. Oh Mother Mary, help me feel the all-accomplishing determination that I will not let any negative feelings prevent me from being one with my I AM Presence, one with God.
Hail Mary
7. Oh Mother Mary, help me feel the perfect love, the unconditional love, that my I AM Presence has for my soul, so that it can consume all fear of letting go of negative feelings.
Hail Mary
8. Oh Mother Mary, help me truly surrender all negative feelings to God, so that I can let them be purified by the fire of God that consumes all unlike itself.
Hail Mary
9. Oh Mother Mary, help me feel the unconditional release of all negative feelings and the all-consuming sense of freedom and joy that comes through total forgiveness.
Hail Mary

Oh Mother Mary, teach me unconditional forgiveness

Oh Mother Mary, help me understand, accept and internalize the fundamental truth that at the level of my soul, I am who I think I am. Help me see that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to me whatever I send out. Therefore, my outer situation is a reflection of my sense of identity. My world is what I think I am.
Oh Mother Mary, help me see that when I choose to engage in anger, blame or a desire for revenge, I am truly hurting myself more than anyone else. Help me know that the universe will reflect all negative feelings back to me, and they will build a prison around my soul.
Oh Mother Mary, help me see that at the level of my I AM Presence, I am who God thinks I am, and this is my true and permanent identity. Help me see and accept that my I AM Presence is as pure and perfect as the day I was created as an immaculate concept in the mind of God. Therefore, nothing I have ever done in this world, or that any force in this world has done to me, has damaged or stained the divine perfection of who I really am.
Oh Mother Mary, help me accept the divine truth that I can, at any moment, let that perfection shine through my soul and outer awareness. I simply need to forgive myself and all life, so that I can let go of all imperfect identities, beliefs, feelings and manifestations that cover my true identity and form a wall around the light beam of my I AM Presence.
Oh Mother Mary, help me see that when I forgive unconditionally, I am letting the light of my I AM Presence shine through me and bring God’s perfection into this world. Help me accept that when I forgive, my Father works hitherto, and I work. Therefore, I and my Father are one!

Oh Jesus, teach me to forgive myself

1. Oh Jesus, help me see that your call to do unto others as I would have them do unto me also applies to myself. Therefore, I must do unto myself as I would have others do unto me.
Hail Mary
2. Oh Jesus, help me see the fundamental truth that before I can forgive others, I must first forgive myself.
Hail Mary
3. Oh Jesus, help me realize that my actions are reflections of my state of consciousness. Therefore, any mistake I ever made is the result of a limited sense of identity.
Hail Mary
4. Oh Jesus, help me accept the fundamental truth that I always did the best I knew how, given my state of consciousness at the time.
Hail Mary
5. Oh Jesus, help me see that feeling guilty or blaming myself only keeps me trapped in the same state of consciousness that caused me to make the mistake.
Hail Mary
6. Oh Jesus, help me understand and accept that no amount of guilt, blame or self-hatred will correct my mistakes or help me be free of the mistakes.
Hail Mary
7. Oh Jesus, help me see that the only way to permanently escape my mistakes is to rise above the state of consciousness that caused me to make the mistakes.
Hail Mary
8. Oh Jesus, help me see that God has no desire to blame me, to punish me or to make me feel like a sinner. God only wants me to rise above all sin and the sense of sin, so that I can return home to his kingdom.
Hail Mary
9. Oh Jesus, help me truly internalize the inescapable fact that the Christ Consciousness is the only escape from sin and that when I let this mind be in me, which was also in you, I am forgiven of all sin, and therefore I can and will forgive myself.
Hail Mary

Oh Jesus, teach me unconditional forgiveness

Oh Jesus, help me understand, accept and internalize the fundamental truth that at the level of my soul, I am who I think I am. Help me see that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to me whatever I send out. Therefore, my outer situation is a reflection of my sense of identity. My world is what I think I am.
Oh Jesus, help me see that when I choose to engage in anger, blame or a desire for revenge, I am truly hurting myself more than anyone else. Help me know that the universe will reflect all negative feelings back to me, and they will build a prison around my soul.
Oh Jesus, help me see that at the level of my I AM Presence, I am who God thinks I am, and this is my true and permanent identity. Help me see and accept that my I AM Presence is as pure and perfect as the day I was created as an immaculate concept in the mind of God. Therefore, nothing I have ever done in this world, or that any force in this world has done to me, has damaged or stained the divine perfection of who I really am.
Oh Jesus, help me accept the divine truth that I can, at any moment, let that perfection shine through my soul and outer awareness. I simply need to forgive myself and all life, so that I can let go of all imperfect identities, beliefs, feelings and manifestations that cover my true identity and form a wall around the light beam of my I AM Presence.
Oh Jesus, help me see that when I forgive unconditionally, I am letting the light of my I AM Presence shine through me and bring God’s perfection into this world. Help me accept that when I forgive, my Father works hitherto, and I work. Therefore, I and my Father are one!

Oh Holy Spirit, help me forgive all life

1. Oh Holy Spirit, help me understand that when other people harm me, God’s immutable law will make sure that they will reap as they have sown. Therefore, I do not need to avenge myself or “make them pay.”
Hail Mary
2. Oh Holy Spirit, help me know that when I seek revenge, I create negative consequences for myself. Therefore, I create a chain of negative energy that binds me to the person who harmed me. Help me know that I will not be free of that chain until I completely forgive all who harmed me and remember their sins no more.
Hail Mary
3. Oh Holy Spirit, help me know the fundamental truth that when I forgive other people, I am not “letting them off the hook;” I am letting myself off the hook by setting myself free from the chain of energy that binds me to these people. 
Hail Mary
4. Oh Holy Spirit, help me know that when Jesus told me to turn the other cheek, he did so to help me escape the trap of building a vortex of negative energy that pulls my soul into the consciousness of Hell itself.
Hail Mary
5. Oh Holy Spirit, help me know that when Jesus told me to forgive my enemies, he did so to help me become free of all ties to my enemies so that they no longer have any power over me.
Hail Mary
6. Oh Holy Spirit, help me know the fundamental truth that by seeking revenge, I harm myself and give my enemies and dark forces power over me. Therefore, the ultimate form of revenge is to turn the other cheek and forgive those who harm me. 
Hail Mary
7. Oh Holy Spirit, come into my consciousness and being and consume all habits and momentums of nonforgiveness. Consume all demons and dark forces that reinforce those momentums.
Hail Mary
8. Oh Holy Spirit, help me know that when I respond with total forgiveness, I am bringing God’s judgment upon those who harm me.
Hail Mary
9. Oh Holy Spirit, help me feel total and unconditional forgiveness toward every person and every dark force who has ever harmed me, in this life and since the beginning of my time in the material universe. Help me simply let go and accept your deliverance.
Hail Mary

Oh Holy Spirit, teach me unconditional forgiveness
Oh Holy Spirit, help me understand, accept and internalize the fundamental truth that at the level of my soul, I am who I think I am. Help me see that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to me whatever I send out. Therefore, my outer situation is a reflection of my sense of identity. My world is what I think I am.
Oh Holy Spirit, help me see that when I choose to engage in anger, blame or a desire for revenge, I am truly hurting myself more than anyone else. Help me know that the universe will reflect all negative feelings back to me, and they will build a prison around my soul.
Oh Holy Spirit, help me see that at the level of my I AM Presence, I am who God thinks I am, and this is my true and permanent identity. Help me see and accept that my I AM Presence is as pure and perfect as the day I was created as an immaculate concept in the mind of God. Therefore, nothing I have ever done in this world, or that any force in this world has done to me, has damaged or stained the divine perfection of who I really am.
Oh Holy Spirit, help me accept the divine truth that I can, at any moment, let that perfection shine through my soul and outer awareness. I simply need to forgive myself and all life, so that I can let go of all imperfect identities, beliefs, feelings and manifestations that cover my true identity and form a wall around the light beam of my I AM Presence.
Oh Holy Spirit, help me see that when I forgive unconditionally, I am letting the light of my I AM Presence shine through me and bring God’s perfection into this world. Help me accept that when I forgive, my Father works hitherto, and I work. Therefore, I and my Father are one!

Oh I AM Presence, help me know you are real

1. Oh I AM Presence, help me experience, even if for only a second, that you are real and that my soul really is an extension of you.
Hail Mary
2. Oh I AM Presence, help me understand that I really am you and that all sense of separation, of being alone and the feeling of being abandoned is only an illusion.
Hail Mary
3. Oh I AM Presence, help me remember that I did make the choice to descend into the material universe, and that I did so with great joy and an all-consuming desire to bring my spiritual flame as a gift to this world.
Hail Mary
4. Oh I AM Presence, help me see that I started feeling separated from you as a result of choices I made. Therefore, only my own choices can bring me back to union with you.
Hail Mary
5. Oh I AM Presence, help me accept full responsibility for every imperfect choice I ever made, so that I can achieve the complete freedom that comes from knowing that I have the power to undo all imperfect choices by replacing them with better choices.
Hail Mary
6. Oh I AM Presence, help me accept that I made imperfect choices because I chose to believe in some of the lies designed by the serpents to trap souls in Hell.
Hail Mary
7. Oh I AM Presence, give me the absolute inner knowing that through your unfailing guidance, and the guidance of my Christ self, I can see through all serpentine lies and thereby make the choice to leave them behind.
Hail Mary
8. Oh I AM Presence, help me know that by forgiving the serpents, and all who ever lied to me, I take away their power to trap my soul in the limited sense of identity that is Hell.
Hail Mary
9. Oh I AM Presence, help me truly accept the fact that when I choose to transcend the state of consciousness that caused me to believe in the serpentine lies, all my mistakes are instantly forgiven by God. Help me truly feel God’s unconditional love and forgiveness, so that I can forgive myself and remember my sins no more.
Hail Mary

Oh God, teach me unconditional forgiveness

Oh God, help me understand, accept and internalize the fundamental truth that at the level of my soul, I am who I think I am. Help me see that the universe is a mirror that reflects back to me whatever I send out. Therefore, my outer situation is a reflection of my sense of identity. My world is what I think I am.
Oh God, help me see that when I choose to engage in anger, blame or a desire for revenge, I am truly hurting myself more than anyone else. Help me know that the universe will reflect all negative feelings back to me, and they will build a prison around my soul.
Oh God, help me see that at the level of my I AM Presence, I am who you think I am, and this is my true and permanent identity. Help me see and accept that my I AM Presence is as pure and perfect as the day I was created as an immaculate concept in the mind of God. Therefore, nothing I have ever done in this world, or that any force in this world has done to me, has damaged or stained the divine perfection of who I really am.
Oh God, help me accept the divine truth that I can, at any moment, let that perfection shine through my soul and outer awareness. I simply need to forgive myself and all life, so that I can let go of all imperfect identities, beliefs, feelings and manifestations that cover my true identity and form a wall around the light beam of my I AM Presence.
Oh God, help me see that when I forgive unconditionally, I am letting the light of my I AM Presence shine through me and bring God’s perfection into this world. Help me accept that when I forgive, my Father works hitherto, and I work. Therefore, I and my Father are one!

Oh God, I forgive all life!

1. Oh God, I forgive you for giving me the gift of life. I embrace the opportunity to be a part of your magnificent creation.
Hail Mary
2. Oh God, I forgive you for giving me free will and the ability to make mistakes. I embrace the opportunity to use my free will to be a co-creator with you.
Hail Mary
3. Oh God, I forgive you for creating a law that returns to me what I send out. I embrace the opportunity to learn from all of my choices, so that I can use both good and not so good choices as stepping stones to victory.
Hail Mary
4. Oh God, I forgive myself for blaming God or any part of life for the choices I made. I embrace the opportunity to take full responsibility for all of my choices.
Hail Mary
5. Oh God, I forgive myself for falling into a lower state of consciousness. I embrace the opportunity to leave it behind and let that mind be in me, which was also in Christ Jesus.
Hail Mary
6. Oh God, I forgive myself for all mistakes I have ever made. I embrace the opportunity to see them as experiments and use them to make better choices today and tomorrow.
Hail Mary
7. Oh God, I forgive all forces or people who have ever lied to me. I embrace the opportunity to see through the lies and use them to make better choices.
Hail Mary
8. Oh God, I forgive all forces or people who have ever harmed me. I embrace the opportunity to set both myself and all life free from all imperfections.
Hail Mary
9. Oh God, I forgive myself for having felt any attachments to the things of this world. I embrace the opportunity to surrender all attachments to God and walk right into the kingdom of God.
Hail Mary

I forgive God for all harm, real or imagined, ever done to me. (3X)
I forgive myself for all mistakes, real or imagined, I have ever made. (3X)
I forgive all life for all harm, real or imagined, ever done to me. (3X)
In the name of Jesus Christ, I call forth the infinite power of Forgiveness Flame to envelop the Earth and consume all anger, hatred, resentment and desire for revenge amongst people. I accept it done with the infinite power of Mother Mary and the entire Ascended Host. It is finished! 
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. (3X) Amen.

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen. 

I accept that I am sealed in the infinite and unconditional love of God, now and forever. I accept that Mother Mary charges me with the infinite power of Forgiveness Flame, the spiritual flame of forgiveness that conquers and consumes all sin, all mistakes, all imperfections and all limitations. And therefore I am free in the infinite forgiveness of God. 
I vow to follow my highest love and come up higher. I affirm that I am free from the shackles of mortality and sin. I accept God's forgiveness of all imperfections that my soul has encountered during its journey in the lower vibrations of the material world. I affirm that I am free of these imperfections because I fully accept that I am free. I fully forgive myself and I accept my true identity as a spiritual being who has never been touched by anything in this world. 
I affirm the eternal truth that I am who I am, a spiritual being. I stop thinking that I am an imperfect being, and I accept my true identity as a spiritual being. I accept that I am perfect, even as my Father in heaven is perfect. 
In the name of the Mother of Miracle Forgiveness, it is finished, and it is sealed in spirit and in matter, as Above so below, now and forever. Amen.

Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels

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