Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 5 december 2017

Strange happenings.

Meer dan een jaar geleden had ik telefonisch contact met ene Mehal Rockefeller, die ik had leren kennen op internet. Het waren aangename gesprekken, hij zei dat niet iedereen die rijk is slecht is. Wat ik nu allemaal lees doet me toch ernstig mijn wenkbrauwen fronsen. Ik hoop dat hij op goede weg komt, en niet voor het kwaad kiest in de toekomst. De Illuminati zijn gekend voor satanisme, maar dan neemt niet weg dat ik er soms mee wou praten. Sommigen gaan het goede pad op, anderen het slechte. Ook in die kringen is niet iedereen absoluut slecht. Wat ik hier las deed wel mijn wenkbrauwen fronsen.

Gloucester County grand jury has indicted a Sicklerville man on charges that he made several threats against a Washington Township church.
Mehal Rockefeller, 35, entered St. Charles Borromeo Church on May 14 and placed a check in the amount of $666,000 in the offertory, according to his criminal complaint.

Parishioners told police they then heard Rockefeller on the phone telling someone, "I'm going to do something tonight or in the near future to this church."
The next day, he left a message on the church's voicemail demanding an apology. In part, he allegedly said, "We can make this into a big problem and the heaters are going to go on and everyone will burn or I can get an apology."
He goes on to say he will contact police, Chris Christie and others and "I'll be taking people down and locking people up."
The exact nature of his grievance with the church isn't revealed in the criminal complaint.
That same day, he posted a message on the church's Facebook page, saying it's "judgement day" for the congregation.
"I hope you have not sinned. Because God kills sinners and rapes their children and burns them in hell. He means business," Rockefeller allegedly wrote.
On May 18, a police officer hand-delivered a letter from the church to Rockefeller's home saying "he is no longer welcome there," according to the police report.
His response was captured on the officer's body camera.
"I'm upset and now I am going to turn up the heat, and there's going to be war and sometimes bodies go missing," he told the officer in response to the letter.
Officers were stationed at the church for a week as a result of Rockefeller's words, police said.
The grand jury indicted him last week on charges of circulating false report of an impending disaster, terroristic threats and cyber harassment.
This isn't Rockefeller's first time facing these kinds of charges.
In October of last year, he was sentenced to 2 years probation on a terroristic threats charge in Camden County, according to court records. A month later, he was sentenced to 310 days on a terroristic threats charge in Mercer County. Court records describe this as a non-custodial sentence.
One of Rockefeller's Facebook pages -- he appears to have several -- still includes the post about the church that was referenced in his Washington Township criminal complaint. That page boasts 4,493 friends and 1,611 followers. Rockefeller describes himself on this page as a "visionary for innovative companies at the forefront of emerging trends."
Another page, under the name Duke Mehal Rockefeller, has 5,199 followers.
Matt Gray may be reached at . Follow him on Twitter@MattGraySJT . Find the South Jersey Times on Facebook .
Komt dit door de mistoestanden in de Katholieke Kerk? Pizzagate? Ik weet het niet. Ik hoop alleen dat Mehal snel het goede pad opgaat. Dat van God en niet van de demonen.
Wie wat meer onderzoek doet komt hierop uit :
Mogen we vergeven, en hopen voor zij die fouten maken. In deze wereld moeten we ook de machtigen der aarde kunnen aansporen om het goede te doen, niet het slechte.

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