Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 8 juli 2017

Babaji wisdom.

Maha Avtar Babaji
Most of the Scientists don't know the Truth. They are thinking and researching without knowing, Who has initiated them and who is giving them Knowledge?
These so called modern Scientists claim that they know everything, but it is not right. They have only very little knowledge in Sciences, technology, and medical Science. They claim that they can be the creator of a Man and think that they clone a man from a certain part of the RNA and DNA. In Maybe some years they will discover how the RNA is formed, which will be a very modern and very advanced knowledge.
There is a certain part of the DNA which is called RNA. The RNA is the "factory of thoughts' and has the quality that it can transfer. It therefore has different 'small stations' and 'industries', where different coloured fibres are built. These fibres, which become bones, muscles, thoughts and emotions, are combinations of positive and negative energies in a man. The RNA forms out of these fibres different kind of men and thoughts. it thus produces engineers, professors, doctors and so on. The Construction and rebuilding of a cell depends fully on the RNA, and the RNA is initiated by different Genes.
We, the Masters, are the GENES, and our Messengers are the RNA. The Messengers have diverse industries, which are weaving the fibres. These industries are controlled by a certain part of the RNA, the gene, which is known as "Shepherd' The Different Genes have the quality to initiate and to stimulate. A Certain Gene may change the metaphysics of every living being. I can induce a Woman to become like a man by giving a Tiny part of a Gene to her. She will grow and her hair will change. That's why i am saying, "I am Initiator"

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