Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zaterdag 25 juni 2016

Pluto in Capricorn update.

In 2008, Pluto entered Capricorn again and stays there until 2023. Right on schedule, we saw a collapse of the banking system in the United States, with the exception of the “Too big to fail/jail” banks. Right on schedule, we also have seen a number of revolutions all around the world. These are NOT coincidences!
Our extraterrestrial overlords are very well versed in astrology and use this as their time table as well.
It appears that our earth-born overlords are way behind schedule and are being pressured by their extraterrestrial overlords for either more sacrifices and/or a “One World / New World Order”.
As more and more people awaken and see how we’ve been controlled and manipulated for millennia, the less we will tolerate being manipulated by our earth-born and extraterrestrial overlords.
Pluto in Capricorn is OUR opportunity to create what is in humanity’s best interests. Our overlords know this and will try everything within their own perceived powers to prevent this from happening, but it all starts with the bottom of the pyramid uniting as one as well as each individual doing his and her own “inner work” to resolve any issues that keep repeating within his or her own lives.

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