Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 12 april 2016

Gender Equality.

Kristof –
Alan Sears is a powerful man.
Alan’s hate group – Alliance Defending Freedom – has been pushing anti-LGBT discrimination in America’s courts for years. And it’s working.
Thanks to their influence, trans people in the U.S. state of North Carolina can no longer use public bathrooms safely. And businesses in the state of Mississippi can legally deny service to LGBT people.
ADF’s work goes beyond the U.S. They have a long history of infiltrating countries like Belize, India, and Jamaica, to encourage criminalising and persecuting LGBT people.
What makes them so powerful? Here’s what Alan and his hate group have:
  • An army of more than 3,000 lawyers to promote hate-filled agendas
  • A network of over 200 partner groups to help spread their lies
  • A yearly budget of over $43 million to spend on anti-LGBT work
And here’s what we’ve got: YOU.
You, Kristof, and the lesbian mum in Italy, who wants her family to be recognized legally. And the father of a gay son in Brazil, who worries for his son’s safety every day. And the brother of a trans woman in the U.S., who hates that his sister has to live in constant fear.
When you and other Equality Champions come together, you’re more powerful than any army of hate.
We don’t have Alan’s big-time budget (he personally pockets $374,000 a year alone). And we don’t have thousands of well-trained staff members flooding courtrooms.
But we have an unshakeable truth: that no one, anywhere, should have to live in fear or danger because of who they are or who they love. And we have you, Kristof.
With you on our side, we can challenge the lies ADF spreads about us and our loved ones. We can expose the link between Alan’s "advocacy" and the violence it influences. We can tell the story that WE are the majority and that they are on the losing side of history.
So let’s take our anger and frustration and use it for good – let’s show the hatemongers that we are not afraid, that we are many, and that we will win!
Thanks for going All Out,
M. Beard, Executive Director

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