Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 23 februari 2016

Spiritual people and America.

But this doesn’t mean that the souls incarnated in the oriental or African or aboriginal races and nationalities are somehow behind the others or lower or inferior than the others. There is no such thing as racial inferiority or racial supremacy. The distinctions just described refer to the physical bodily type and not to the indwelling soul. We all incarnate in all different sorts of races and countries in accordance with our Karma.
The present white European peoples and their direct descendants, whether in Europe itself or the USA or Canada or Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and so on – these comprise the current and latest, newest sub-race, the 5th sub-race of the 5th Root Race. It is the American people who will become the “pioneers” of the 6th sub-race of the 5th root race and this process is due to begin relatively soon. The 6th Root Race itself will also begin in the Americas and you can find these words about it from Mr Judge on p. 26 of “Echoes from The Orient”:
“We are preparing here in America a new race which will exhibit the perfection of the glories that I said were being slowly brought to the surface from the long forgotten past. This is why the Americas are seen to be in a perpetual ferment. It is the seething and bubbling of the older races in the refining-pot, and the slow coming up of the material for the new race. Here, and nowhere else, are to be found men and women of every race living together, being governed together, attacking nature and the problems of life together, and bringing forth children who combine, each one, two races. This process will go on until in the course of many generations there will be produced on the American continents an entirely new race; new bodies; new orders of intellect; new powers of the mind; curious and unheard-of psychic powers, as well as extraordinary physical ones; with new senses and extensions of present senses now unforeseen. When this new sort of body and mind are generated – then other monads, or our own again, will animate them and paint upon the screen of time the pictures of 100,000 years ago.”
Under the law of correspondence and analogy, which is one of the great keys to understanding esoteric teachings and symbolism, each of the numbers 1-7 of the seven root races and the seven sub-races and the seven globes and the seven rounds relates in some way or other to the correspondingly numbered Principle of the Seven Principles of the human constitution, the sevenfold nature of man. As Manas or “mind and intellect” is the 5th Principle and Kama or “desire and passion” is the 4th Principle, we may see that we are currently in the Manasic sub-race of the Manasic root race in the Kamic round on the Kamic globe. The 6th of anything will correspond to Buddhi and the 7th to Atma. So thankfully we are at last on the ascending arc of the Great Journey!

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