Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 2 november 2015

Greece Update.

Greece: high-school students and seamen open up wave of social protest against the new Memorandum implemented by the Syriza government
Thousands of high-school students gathered in Athens and other cities today to protest againts closures of classes and schools, missing teachers, lack of books, deplorable state of infrastructures etc. "Killers of knowledge" was one of the slogans (see picture).
Today was also the start of the 2-day strike called by the Federation of Seamen PNO against the dismantling of their social insurance and pension system and the deterioration of their contractual and working conditions.
More is to come:
- a four-hous warning strike tomorrow in Athens public transport.
- on wednesday muncipal builings all over the country will be occupied from 10 am to 1 pm to hold open general assemblies to discuss the consequences of the Third Memorandum and plan mobilizations. The action is called by the Federation of Municipal Employees POE-OTA.
- a general strike in both the private and the public sector has been called for November 12. by the two national trade-union conferedrations GSEE and ADEDY.

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