Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 26 juli 2015

The Lion’s Gate ~ Awaken, Reclaim & Evolve

It’s no secret that there have been some powerful and potent energies at play for a long while now, especially in the last year. There have been so many opportunities at cosmic dancing that have opened us to ourselves, our purposes and to the very depths of truth.
Sometimes we see these things on our path and don’t think they matter, just another thing to deal with/get through/make our way past. But everything we do leads us forward.
The sun is once more in fiery Leo and we’re approaching a time that is referred to as “The Lion’s Gate” which starts on July 25th, peaks on August 8 and wind down August 12th. This is a powerful time that occurs annually which gives some very potent chances for us to make some very big changes and transitions in our lives in correlation to our path and our purpose. This is a huge pull towards the unveiling of our authentic selves, our truth and our light.
Add in the Venus Retrograde (beginning July 24/25), the Blue Moon in Aquarius (July 31), Lammas/Imbolc (August 1), a host of other planets Retrograding us towards our truth and a powerful Leo New Moon on August 14th and you have a ton of forward moving cosmic energy.
Though this happens every year, this year it is being hailed as “a rare triple 8 Lion’s Gate Activation” (Meg Benedicte) which is bringing us huge energy of awakening, unity, fueling personal growth and development. This is a time of opening to what we are wanting to create, and when we dig into this energy during this time, it flows into our life.
“The Triple 8 Lion’s Gate opens the Infinity portal that propels you past all previous limitations. It is the symbol of expanding beyond your normal boundaries. It is about connecting to and owning your divine purpose, then stepping more fully into the life you destined yourself to live. ” ~Med Benedicte 
This time is also being heralded by many as “The Return of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine”with the Venus Retrograde being the marker and as we shift more towards awakening and opening to truth. The feast of Mary Magdalene was only a few days ago as well (July 22) offering another marker to the deep feminine return and awakening feminine mysteries that are rising on our planet. This is a powerful symbol on the rising tides that are tired of the violent, oppressive reign of the patriarchy.
In this shift, not only do women reclaim their power, but men as well, as we all rise and claim our unified masculine and feminine energies. The Goddess Diana and her daughter Aradia were powerful oppressors in the patriarchal tyranny that held and enslaved humans which is why they brought the gift of magic to help free the world. Their feast is on August 13th, right at the end of the Lion’s Gate Shift, another powerful marker for the rising authentic and the feminine.
“Yes, the energy has been building and will continue to build, as if we are riding a huge tidal wave that continues to grow. This all prepares us for September’s eclipses. yet another huge wave of powerful energy. Stay on top of the wave and let it carry you, lest you get swallowed up in it.” ~Kara Schallock
What can you do to work with these energies?

~*~ Be present  ~*~
Be here. Be conscious with yourself and with others. Put a hand on your heart and really feel this life that you are living. Leo rules the heart and she is asking us to be true to our hearts, especially now. Listen to the whispers that are rising, and feel the desires that live within you. They are powerful messages that are guiding you towards your own awakening. Be conscious to what is being awakened in you.

~*~ Stick to your focused path ~*~
Keep your eyes on the prize and use the courageous energy that Leo brings to really put both paws into your truth. Even if you don’t have it all figured out at this very second, be with whatever is setting your soul on fire and causing your vibration to rise. Sometimes we have great fear if we don’t have it all figured out this second. That’s ok. Be with the flow and the unfolding transformation within you, and do so seated within your truth.

~*~ Let me hear you roar ~*~
Be authentic with your truthful voice. This isn’t the time to tap into anyone’s truth except your own. Make sure that the voice you are using is yours. Even in times of only being able to whisper, if the voice that emerges is yours it is beyond powerful.

~*~ Surround yourself with the energy that opens your heart and soul ~*~
Whether you are hanging with others or in your own den, surround yourself with energy that is nourishing. If this is a powerful time of awakening and moving past blockages, your soul needs all the nurturing that it can get to be fed properly for this journey.
Spend time with those that are from your soul tribe, bring you harmony or are in alignment with your truth. Leave the negative energy Vampires to the side. In your own sacred space, make sure you tidy up and keep a good energy surrounding you. Smudge, crystals, yoga; whatever you have to do to make sure your domain is clear and ready to be the sacred womb for all this transformation.

~*~ Release what isn’t working for you ~*~
This is an extremely powerful time for moving past old limitations. One of the best ways to give the Universe the sign that we’re ready to ditch the old, is to start to release what is no longer serving us. This can be anything from a thought about ourselves to that old sweater that we know we’re never going to wear again, but hey maybe it will fit next year. Time to let it go. The you that you are now knows what it needs and doesn’t. You can feel it when these situations arise. You can feel in your depths if this is something you need on your path or not. You don’t have to toss out your entire wardrobe, but be present with what it is you do and don’t need anymore.

~*~ Tend your inner garden ~*~
Make sure you take care of yourself during this powerful energetic time. Drink lots of water, get plenty of rest and spend time grounding and being in nature. Nature is a powerful channel for the energies that surround us and they gently bring you into alignment and be cleared so you can receive all of the abundance flowing towards you.
As we continue to ride the waves on this cosmic sea, we move ever further on the flow of our own deep truth. As we expand into the authenticity of ourselves and embrace our light, we move into a place of total possibility.
We hold the power of infinite creation when we are seated upon the throne of our truth and in union with ourselves, and this is the Phoenix flame that we are about to dance in. May this shift serve you well and on August 8th at the peak, may you dive deeply into the seas of the wonder that is your unfolding destiny.
Welcome to The Lion’s Gate everyone. Now let me hear you roar.
** A footnote to the power of this time.**
Last year during the Lion’s Gate, I began to honor my truth and my voice in “The Goddess Circle” and began to share the messages, writing and inspiration that was flowing through me. Though the page had been started in January of 2014, I hadn’t been fully present with my voice or my expression of truth, choosing up to that point to only share the messages of others and continuing my “playing small” attitude.
During the Lion’s Gate shift I started to honor my own divine expression, and as a result this path has evolved far beyond anything I could have imagined and continues to unfold. So, even if it feels like a small shift, honor your heart. You never know where it may lead. <3 Ara ​
“Imprinted in every cell of your body exists a record of your entire history on Earth. All past and potential future outcomes are encoded in the DNA, dormant and waiting for your attention. Tune into your genes and the essence of your Soul to discover the truth of your Being.” ~ Meg Benedicte
5D Spiritual Healing Team~ The First Contact Ground Crew Team ~For Personal Assistance In Clearing Your Energy Fields, raising your vibration, being the change you wish to see and the miracle or need assistance with 3rd Eye and Pineal gland clearing, opening, and strengthening, You can follow this link for details and to schedule one of these amazing services with us:

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