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Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

zondag 26 juli 2015

Russia Says “NO GMO’s”, Aims For World’s “Cleanest” Food Supply

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has announced that the country’s agricultural future will in no way involve GMO’s, and he added that the country will apply methods to boost healthy soil and high yields all towards the goal of having the world’s cleanest food supply.
According to World Truth TV [1]:
Russia does not import GMOs like most of Europe currently does, nor does it grow them. Unlike the U.S., Russia has deep concerns about the safety of GMOs and has chosen to implement an extended moratorium on their use as it looks to other, safer technologies that don’t come with the risk of birth defects, endocrine disruption and cancer.
At the recent International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Dvorkovich told listeners that Russia has “chosen a different path,” and that the country “will not use these [GM] technologies” to boost agricultural production. The announcement coincides with statements made by Russian President Vladimir Putin back in 2014 about the need to “protect” Russian citizens against GMOs.
“We need to properly construct our work so that it is not contrary to our obligations under the WTO [World Trade Organization],” Putin stated. “But even with this in mind, we nevertheless have legitimate methods and instruments to protect our own market, and above all citizens.”

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