Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

maandag 15 juni 2015

Message from the Asthar Command Crew

You have an untold story. With it, come truths you can’t tell. You know they exist, yet choose to keep them hidden, pretending they aren’t there. You hope they will suddenly go away, but they won’t. Not unless you realize everyone has them too.
But can you disclose those hidden truths? Can you put them out there once and for all? Will this empower you? Free you? A strange and wonderful thing happens when you tell your truth. You realize that you are indeed, part of a collective consciousness. As that consciousness, you are embraced – flaws and all, including your imperfections, vulnerabilities, self-loathing, and selfishness, basically all the characteristics that make you human.
Don’t go about life feeling isolated for one more minute. You are not alone, and you can tell. Untold truths are universal. Everyone has them. Many people feel the same way you do, yes your story and circumstances are uniquely yours, but telling your truth can unite you with millions of other people.
Here are five Hidden Truths you can share. You are intrinsically linked with thousands of others. Today is the day to come clean and embrace being a part of the collective consciousness, just the way you are.

Hidden Truth #1. Feeling like second best.

Many people think they are second best. They have made the common mistake of comparing. Second best at what, second to whom? Maybe there is someone better, but there is also someone worse. The 20 percent of something better to be found in another person leaves the 80 percent that is awesome in you! The only person you can ever be second best to is you, as any version, other than your being authentically yourself, will indeed result in second best. The person next to you on the train feels the same way. Your colleagues at work, too. Your friends, lover, and neighbors, all have felt second best at one time or another.
Hidden Truth #2. You feel unworthy.
Everyone feels unworthy of something. Somehow over the years this mindset has taken root. It is nothing more than guilt chiming in to keep you from evolving higher. Anyone who has ever done anything they are not proud of can feel unworthy. The pencil you stole off your teacher’s desk in elementary school should not leave you feeling unworthy of abundance today. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them, don’t repeat them again, and let them go.

Hidden Truth #3. You dislike your ______.
Fill in the blank. Everyone has a feature they think is less than stellar. From thighs to legs, hair, nose, forehead and lips, you name it. The person next to you isn’t thinking about your thighs. They are thinking about their double chin, or their skinny legs. Don’t let your insecurity regarding any part of your body inhibit your ability to live a happy, joyful life. Truth be told, someone would love to have your thighs.

Hidden Truth #4. It’s all about you.
People are not looking at you. They do not notice the pimple on your face, or your thinning hairline. They won’t notice unless you point it out. Even then, it’s no big deal. The truth is, they are thinking about themselves. Everyone has insecurities, and no one is perfect.

Hidden Truth #5. Your family and life as a child was nothing like the Cleavers.
Leave it to Beaver was an American situational comedy that unrealistically idealized a family living in suburbia. The Cleavers appeared perfect. That family does not exist. Every family has secrets, including the Cleavers. Your family is no different. Family dynamics often include challenges, times of struggle and adversity. If your childhood was not healthy and you find yourself wishing it was different, it is time to realize that the role you played as a child does not need to be the role you play as an adult. That was then, and this is now. If you choose to confide in other’s regarding your experiences, it can be not only rewarding, but also an empowering way to move forward. Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles immediately dissipates that feeling of separation.
When you come to terms with the fact that hidden truths are universal, you will no longer feel isolated. In fact, the act of acknowledging their existence can provide immediate relief. After all, everyone experiences the inevitable ups and downs of life. It is part of learning and growing. Everyone has insecurities. Knowing that you are indeed part of a collective consciousness, and your feelings are often identical to those of many others provides an instant connection. This will enable you to leave thoughts of separation far behind and, happily, embrace a new sense of self-acceptance.

About the Author
Gia Dalton is a Visionary Writer, Author, Speaker, Coach, Teacher, and Intuitive Life Strategist. She operates a private concierge Holistic practice, specializing in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture. “My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love.”

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