Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 4 november 2014

Testings and trials and experiences from behind the visible planes of everyday life - working hard to connect the dots.

It is an important step on the spiritual journey not to be deceived by luciferian principles, and trust on the Michaelian forces in nature. As Albert Pike himself warned himself in his Morals and Dogma :
Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"
Once one goes beyond the deceptive forces in nature, great progress can be made. Manly P. Hall admits this fact in his writings. A great prophesy was shared through facebook. It all turns to the great challenge for all us, definitely for those in leading positions in government : will we work for peace or risk total distruction. The last option will not predict a bright future, once that path is chosen. But we must respect the free will of others. Everyone has his own karma, personally and collectively, and people who guide people into wars and destruction are destroying their own souls themselves, and will fall away into the hellish spheres of existance, as desribed in the Tibetan book of the Dead.

I'm doing whatever I can to learn collectively with others, even with the so-called Nephelim who are even asked to turn towards the good and constructive works for the world. Yes, demonic forces, the Asura's as Sri Aurobindo called them, or the demons in the Christian religion, interfere and try to spread fear. I got some dark messages on my computer screen that I am a slave and that I should die and so on. I answered : "Don't you remember that you were all once made of the purest star light of the heavens, but that bad behaviour against other divine species might make you fall from the grace that's still left inside your spirit?". I respect my brother from America, but I know that Obama is facing trouble at this moment. Maybe he lost his integrity under great pressure, but is extremely difficult for leaders not to be taken to the wrong path, under pressure of people who only want to control people and the world. Even in these circles and strive for diplomacy, but in the end no-one can help another who doesn't want to listen. In the end I will be safe, but I don't care too much about myself, I care about the human race and the future of the planet. I hope for sure that the leader of the United Nations would think about a message like this, and do whatever he can to prevent another world war that definitely could wipe us all out. I have no intention to spread fear and chaos, quite the opposite, I am encouraging people to confront governments on military spending, going to war over and over again, until the point of no return turns us all into dust. There is still hope, and the great changes come from ordinary people, bottom-up. Don't get lost in class-warfare too much, because most of that chaos is all orchestrated to make that chaos happen. Focus on peace, within your own life and community and from there into the world. Yes, you might call people like me dreamers, but the community of Sant Egidio gave the first sign that we must cooperate for peace, it is possible now otherwise we will get into big trouble and there will no planet B to hide, no space trip on Mars to save us all, on possibly a global destruction in even atomic warfare in the worst case if it goes wrong again like during World War Two. Who would be so naïve and stupid on the world scene to work towards a collective suicide of the human race and the planet? I guess that nobody wants this. I believe in Antwerp of being able to play still an important role for diplomacy and peace activism, and I haven't given up our leaders yet. But it's getting dangerous and we must not be stupid to get lost in anger and selfish decision-making with a path have to chosen towards war or peace. Peace will be the future, war will be the end. I believe that our souls are invincible and can't die, but it would be so stupid to incarnate in this time of great crisis and great opportunity at the same time, while wasting the chance and destroying everything, even the futures of our families in the generations to come, who will possible not even be able to be born on this earth.

Rulers and Kings, forget the fights for the supremacy of Thrones and empires, as I know that a "Game of Thrones" is going on as well. Hollywood tries to send messages and warnings, through movies, and spiritually enlighened writers did the same through books as giving warning signs of what is happening, behind the scenes, of what might happen in the worst case if we don't change.

Our leaders must be forced towards integrity, but they have a hard time as well. I try not to interrupt people without a certain reason who is active in politics. All have a difficult time in the world now. Let's give everyone a change towards a positive future, that we can build on every moment in the eternal now, in order to save the earth and humanity from disaster and destruction. Forget the class wars, all classes and all people are important, focus on peace activism in the first place, and all the rest will follow.

I plan to write more and more in the future and will get myself involved in performances in the future again - as long as my health remains stable, after the surgery, I will not give up, and I hope that others won't give up as well. I learned from the Hindu religion with the great example of Krishna, the Love of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago, and the Wisdom that leads towards enlightenment provided by the Buddha, and the Revelations brought to us by Mohammed. Our lives are guided by sychronicities and strange events that push us just forward towards we need to be. There are great souls on this Earth plane at this moment who protect us, so we must not loose our faith and get the job done.

I've seen many people involved in satanism and black magic during my lifetime. Some told me that they were lost, and died not so much later. I learned to maintain the Middle Path, but when I needed to reject darkness in my life, I did it, even when I was shaking in the beginning. I learned that there is darkness and light and that magic is dangerous, because there is only a thin line between white and black magic. I've seen a friend totally distroyed by black magic, who was in the end in his heart not really a bad person once you could touch his heart. Unfortunately, we could not prevent his early death at age 29. I tried to help him, but he lost the battle. He told me before he died: "I am lost in the dark, but your light shines on, you will live a happy life, but I will die". A few months later he was found that after a heart attack at age 29. Darkness always self-destruct. I'm still sad that we couldn't save him. He entered that lifestyle because his interest in nature mysticism and shamanism was not embraced by society but seen as madness and suppressed, so I turned to complete evil out of hate and hurt. This is another statement to embrace religious freedom, however I am concerned about the many sanatic cults in the worlds and the insanity that goes on in certain cults and circles, I respect the free will of others, as long as they respect mine. I was almost mislead in the past by doing a sort of Faustian Bargain, in order to gain knowledge and what I thought was wisdom, but I soon realised that I entered a trap that was set up for me, and corrected my behaviour. So many esoteric people are still mislead by the many false paths and doctrines that in the end lead to no realisation and greater connection to the Divine, to God and humanity, but keep people chained in mental concepts that bring no real realisation. I respect all religions, but throughout the years became very cautious and critical for some doctrines that in the end all lead to luciferianism and satanism. The people who are into this must take their own responsability, in the end pure black magic and use of dark forces always lead persons to disaster and self-destruction, as I saw it happen to my friend who died of it. His appartment had become a haunted house, but even in the mids of that trouble, he always reminded me not to fear, and told me that I was stronger. In his moments of insight and flashes of light he turned to praying and crying, but he didn't made it in the battle. It was a great lesson for me for the future. I only have faith in that greater force that created me, on a soul-level and on a physical level. This earth is a great testing ground to learn our lessons, and many great souls have to face great obstacles and trials before they earn a certain amount of divine protection and safety. There is more beyond this earthly plane of existence, as research on near-death experiences recently proved. I always try to build bridges as much as possible, but those who tend to use, misuse, are deceive me are in the end always exposed. I plan for myself a long, creative and constructive life. Until now, the many testings on all levels, blocked a lot for me. I only just begun to live and have a lot to share from my soul. The Catholic Church has a wonderful Pope now in charge, but it must learn from its mistakes of the past during the Inquisition and the many wars against the pagans. I know people from all walks of life, from devoted Christians, to atheist, agnostics, hindus, buddhists, Muslims, new agers, spend time with Jehova's witnesses, and I respect and understand them all. If it can bring people closer to that Higher Force that we call God, a term that is so misused to wage war amongst people, than the goal is fulfilled. Certain doctrine, like even in theosophy, sell half-truths, and between the lines they expose themselves. I once read in an Alice Bailey book that theosophy comes from the fallen angels or Nephilim. Some of these teachings gave insight, but other teacher were not proven to be true and were misleading and leading to nowhere. I still respect the theosophers for all that they did for me, but I moved away from all luciferianism of satanism. And don't wage war on people with different believes, or non-believers or pagans don't need to be destroyed like during the Inquisition, but as long as people from all believe-systems become better persons and realy connect the the heart of humanity as well, there is nothing wrong. Whenever there is money or power involved, or control, than we must be aware. Religion or spiritual wisdom must be free for all of humanity. So much has become corrupted, and even Masonry is in the end Luciferian in it's origin and go back to Druidism in it's origin. I have nothing against druidism, but I feel more confortable with the many Michaels on this planet, they carry the name of the great archangel that destroys fears and dares to face evil when we are in danger. Lucifer might be a light-bearer, but also a powermad agent of deception, disguised as an angel of light. The lower degrees of initiates in the many Luciferian brotherhoods have not clue of the true nature of what happens in the higher echelons of the brotherhood. Anyway, I still respect masons, unless I think they might be fooled in one way or another, and I even share their quotes on the internet and discuss certain ideas and perspectives. If they talk with an open heart, there is no problem. The Rosicrusian Order also provides interesting tips and information for mystics, and is as far as I am concerned not that satanic in nature.

Anyway, enough about religion. What counts now is the focuss on peace and sustainable development. Taking my old activity as an artist back from where I left it years ago, and write poems and essays again. There might be wars in the world, but I will stand with my team of co-workers as a shield of light and protection in order to prevent disaster from happening to our community, country and if possible : to prevent this on a global scale. This is a work that must happen collectively, where differences must vanish when we realise our common humanity. I believe that all the rest will follow by itself. I still might face difficult trials, obstacles, and even attacks, as I had to fight for my life in the past before, but I don't fear them. The worst thing that can happen is that my body gets destroyed one day on the battlefield of life, but my soul is pure and I never sold my soul for dark purposes.

I often ask myself if the dark entities and the beings of light can end there wars in the heavens, and work for peace all together, so that all can be transformed, but often the demonic forces don't tend to become friends with the light and try to interrupt and interfere as much as possible when there is more light manifested on Earth. Sri Aurobindo gives a good description in his writings about the possible attacks by violent forces, that we must face on are path to more light and connect with God and the Divinity of all of existance, humanity included beyond any doubt. Those brave souls who take the risk and work for the manifestation of more light and peace on this planet are real hero's, there are already many of them incarnated in this turbulent, challenging time, and they sacrifice a lot for the benefit of the human race, and are more than often misunderstood, or only seen as weird or crazy. It takes years of practice and study to see the bigger picture and filter all the misinformation and mental garbage that some false paths of initiation offer, while they only bring more darkness and corruption of the real, benevolent spiritual and mystical path. The hindu-religion expect the Kalki Avatar 427 000 years in the future, if the information I have is correct. Those who are here now with a higher purpose, might included buddha's, boddhisattva's, lightworkers, spiritual warriors, besides the many angelic and protecting forces that are working their heart out in order to prevent the destruction of the human race and the earth. There is a lot happening in the unseen world, behind the scenes, but until now, a tremendous disaster with nuclear weapons has not occured thanks to the protection of the many people who work for the light. Even people who are prisoners of the dark forces and used as puppets, slaves or agents, crave possibly for a second change to get back on track on the right path. Everybody must get an honest chance to get out of the lower realsm of hell, or the realms of the Asura's, but even in dark places, I've seen people cabable of keeping the connection with their souls and try at least to do what something for the benevolent evolution and protection of our life on earth. I learned some half-truths through the study of the works of Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, but also found more than enough lies and untruths in those books. Some things that are described there don't happen in real life. Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey's organisation, formerly known s the Lucifer Publishing Company, and the spiritual foundation of the United Nations, is still Luciferian and warns everyone in many books not to believe things because they are written in traditions, are told by wise people, but only if we ourselves in our consciousness believe it to be true through experience. The higher levels of all Luciferian cults and organisations end up in pure satanism, and that is simply not my path. Once I started to ask critical questions on the New World Order and when I told that my guardian angel is Michael and will always be Michael (besides Raphaël and Gabriel), they threatened to destroy me. I still have talks with people form the Rockefeller and Rothschild family and I know that many amongst them might even fear the future of the planet and humanity and are worried, they are not all bad per se, but they must be aware not to get stuck in power and control games whereby they only destroy themselves. They are the Watchers, the Nephilim so to speak, and they also deserve love and compassion if can help them evolve towards the light. I always try to hold the Middle Path, I respect brother Mehal Rockefeller for the truths he dares to share on the internet and will always work for peace and diplomacy and hope that a great opposition between the forces of darkness and the forces of light can be prevented, because that would create an enormous battle on the earth plane and in the spiritual worlds. My task at this very moment is writing, and being a force of peace and diplomacy, beyond worthless prejudices and trying to remember that we all belong to the human family. Maybe the spiritual books of the past tell us a story how it all went in the past, we can always try new approaches struggling for more peace and solutions, and keep the battles and fights out of our daily lives as much as possible. I experience in my own life many obstacles and tests to overcome, but experience more and more protection, help and guidance on the road, many as a reward for years of hard work for the benefit of humanity. What people like I am doing, sometimes having to dive temporarily into the realms of hell for diplomacy, I feel that the universe and the spiritual forces of nature recognise these efforts and send their legions of help and protection as well. There are many good forces at work during these challenging times. Unfortunately I have to leave many people behind me who can't understand it, and work further towards the accomplishment of my mission here on this planet. I still believe that I might get very old, but after many many obstacles and attemps of the forces that try to destroy the work I and some co-workers are doing on this planet. In the end we all benefit if global war can be prevented, and that we may finally enter a period of peace and stability in the world on all levels. Therefor, we must not be too critical for our worldleaders because they often get their tests as well, definitely those who are working in the United Nations. Behind the scenes is really a spiritual war going on for control of this planet, and all are tested on their ability to remain people of integrity and honesty, not corruptable, what is very difficult for leaders who are always criticized, threated, have to deal with all kind of people, and still in one way or another bound to what the puppet masters want to happen in the world. Research on the Annunaki gives greater insight in how it happened in the times of Babylon and Sumeria, and it is still going on, however told in a mythical way. Mythology tries to tell stories that are destriptions of what happens in the spiritual realms that is not always visible for those who are not really aware, consciouss with an open third eye, an active pineal gland and an aroused kundalini that brings that awareness, yoga and meditation, and even prayer can bring this inner vision, and people might awaken to realities that they never thaught to be real, or only for in movies or in fairy tales, as my mother once thought of my experiences and locked me up in a mental institution twive because she couldn't understand the battles I had to face, and didn't believe or could understand what was going on. I forgive her, it takes years of hard work, study and practice to see the bigger picture, and it is difficult to get the right information, because quite a lot is suppressed. Those who have proven to be worthy to receive more guidance and teachings, will find their guides and protectors on the road, that is for sure. It might be scary sometimes, but once we dare to surrender to the Divine Will of God working on this Earth all of us, we are always rewarded for our efforts, even when all might seem so lonely and dark and when we have to suffer. The first will be the last, and the last will be the first, says some biblical truth. It is true, I always walked behind the masses, couldn't find my way in regular life and always encountered great spiritual battles, where I lost so much time by false teachings and teachers who where dishonest, quite sectarian or wanted to make money. The only one I still respect is my former mentor from the Theosophical Society of Antwerp, however I left theosophy, just as Krishnamurti and Steiner left it. There is some darkness because of the Luciferian principle as the basis of the teachings that is not of the spiritual purity that I needed. Buddhism and (esoteric) Christianity are more safe roads to walk. We reap what we saw in this life, I did many stupid things when some violent forces tried to confuse me, scare me, or cause a psychotic fear that made me question my own sanity often, but these where are a part of the preparation for what I want to do in the past. I have a great respeect for what Pope Francis tries to do in the Catholic Church, and for what the Dalai Lama does for the Buddhists all over the world. They are great teachers and I learn from them as well. I don't want to throw away all theosophical teachings of the world, but I have a problem with paths that leads to Luciferianism and Satanism, while in the beginning of the real esoteric brotherhoods, these spiritual initiations and rites of the passage where pure; not corrupted and used for worthly power and influence, not based on initiation for those who are from a certain bloodline, wether royal or pseudo-royal, but where offered when the student made his inner royalty a divine manifestation on earth because of his service to humanity, and his efforts to learn from his mistakes and trials. I still have a lot of work to do, the coming years will be very critical, but I will keep on writing, building bridges and within a year or 3 to 5 I want to be totally on track again with books, poetry and maybe even music and movies or documentaries. We are still in Kali Yuga and those who are doing this kind of work today payed there duties through tests and trials. Many of the most beautiful spiritual souls faced the tragedy of being jailed or locked up in mental institutions because there behaviour was misunderstood and seen as a treath for society, while it was the solution in disguise. Okay, I had my bad luck as well in the years that are behind me, but I forgive, forget and move on. Those who wanted to block me or take away my freedom are out of my life as much as possible, and those who mistreated me to the experience of torture behind locked doors with forced drugging and so on, are given their names to the authorities and the instititutions that need to know about these crimes against humanity. The coming 10 years or so will be very critical. Humanity must be helped and protected form war, poverty, famine and ecological disasters, but I believe that we have reached a critical mass due to the work of so many whistleblowers everywhere, the people in the conspiracy-and truth movements who share their stories, with unfortunately many double agents who spread chaos, half truths and confusion, so we must listen to our inner voice and heart, use our brains and common sense and always check and double-check everything. I am open for people from all classes, religions and walks of life, but I refuse to work towards plans of enslavement or taking away the rights of the human race, whilst we are plunged into more wars and possibly face destruction on a global scale. In the end the good forces always win, but I don't want to make it a pure black and white story. Every being in this world can change for the better, even the greatests Asura, is what I believe, possible to transform, however this happens very rarely. People who work for the media can do what they can to bring objective, constructive and solution-based news for the people, people who write or play music can share their stories to the people, as the great band Muse did some great work on raising consciousness on certain subjects. In the end we can only count on ourselves if it comes to integrity, but there are so many positive things happening, that don't get the mainstream daily journal (because it is still in the hands of very few people), so the those who want the truth will have to start to walk their way to it, without fear, knowing that you will be tested, blocked and made anxious, possibly disabled, silenced, or locked up, in the worst case killed, but the massage always lives on. And message of someone who gets killed because of good works gets multiplied by a thousand in force and haunts those who kill whistleblowers for decades, if not centuries ... "No army can stop an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo ; Everyone has his battles to fight, even within the elite families is a lot going on, so be kind to everyone you meet, for everyone is fighting a hard battle (Plato).

Keep the Faith and blessings for this noble servant and cyberdiplomat in one way or another. In the fields of education, in the military, within the police, within governments, NGO's, the U.N. , religious leaders, everywhere are people with the right etics doing what that can. Let's embrace and support them as well. Goodwill that is shared never increases by being shared :-)

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