Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

dinsdag 2 september 2014

Some funny poetical words with Stream of Consciousness / Our Crew is on shedule and victory is assured - be patient, all will be fine in the end.

The Indigo's Mind is irrepressible - here to serve the good, and using the first ray qualities of our souls [Will and Power] and/or monads activated when the evil that needs to be destroyed stands in the way of a healthy, happy and free humanity - like an Avatar from Sirius to-the-rescue, killing and destroying evil whilst eating bananas and creating universes in a nanosecond, just for fun, in order that the good, true and beautiful might rise from the ashes like a phoenix , flashing up and down pyramids of control - 13 times up and down the dollar bill, cleansing it from evil spells and this 777 incarnations long as Monads of Will, until the last dictatorial-authoritarian government is brought to its knees and false/demonic leaders are to be exposed through secrets man was not supposed to know and that will all be released - the DNA of the C.I.A. is destroyed and put in quarantaine before sending the rests to Saturn, in order to learn it a lesson of empathy for humanity / Mission Block Psychiatric Torture of the Great Mystics, Seers and our friends on the path of Freedom and Holy Enlightenment Fase 1 Accomplished , all supressors of the souls of our sensitives will meet the Judgement by the Karmic Law of Cause and Effect because that's how our present-current universe of Light-Wisdom works / In the next round, we will learn Big Pharma a lesson of integrity instead instead of greed, maybe anonymous can join a Mega Promo Hack Attack in order to print into the minds of the vulnerable Earthlings that All Disease can be cured by alternative medicine and that the pharmaceutical drugs don't work in 80% of the time but are harmfull and create disease - Using magic and sorcery through pharmaceuticals for selfish ends always gets punished by the God(s) / Maybe that should be nice on CNN and ABC News 13 times a day, until the ignorant masses know the truth - By putting me as a co-worker of our hidden and secret crew of Shamballah on a forced brainwashing program behind closed doors in two clinics for about 2 years and locking me up several times when I refused your dictatorship and attemps of poisoning my body labeling me with a diagnosis from the book of Modern Inquisition was just little way too much for my buddhistic Patience. But I realised they haven't been able to crack my mind and break my soul, so thou art forgiven Nazi Docs Vandendriessche / Schrijvers, I saw you hide and take shelter when I raised the Sword of Justice when you tried to poison an innocent capricorn, blind folks leading the blind in science, still seems to be fact, but have Compassion for the Living-Dead - so poorly brainwashed by your education, thou does not know any better on the fallen planet earth, and forgot that Healing is an Art, as the Great Thot must have never forgotten but you poor pokerfaces misuse power in order to sell your poison to our people. Try it again if you wish, while our spaceships will do a free air show as an act of forgiveness and space happiness / The police knows about thy evil deeds, as a warning we exposed thy deeds, next time you'll hurt the innocent, make sure you'll bleed - The government then decided to take control over my finances because 'I donated too much for good causes and programs for the reduction of poverty', another last step of trying to control the children of the sky - I have an ignorant lawyer controlling my finances now, who must be soon released from the job in order for me to gain my financial freedom back. I believe in the System of Justice of Belgium and I hope that the Judge will allow me this and hope that the shrink who controls my destiny will give me the appropriate documents for this soon, his waiting room was full of paintings of the Buddha, so that's a nice thing to do, there might be some wisdom in some of these poisoners rooms - So mote it be, brethern! Karma will always do its job, and the enemies of the Christed beings on this Earth Plane who sacrifice time and money to do the jobs of protecting and awakening the human race to truths that have been supressed must know that the enemies of humanity will always get the curse of bad luck / because action = reaction / You reap what you sow - The Holy Tribe Of Judah said * Novus Ordo Libertatem Illimitata * - In times of great purification and revelations, the victory of the benevolent secret police of humanity is already assured. Thanks for watching how all unfolds towards photon belts of pure light, reason and solar impulses, bathing in the rays of a thousand suns. The clock is ticking, and those who hurt the human race will meet one day the Avatar of Sirius, esoterically known as The Great Reaper, Bringer of Death (to evil). For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, awaken. And for the ignorant masses, we do whatever is in our power for your protection. The workers of/for the Great White Lodge (the secret priesthood on the earth plane and in the astral worlds) shall not let thy souls be destroyed or misled. Love, Wisdom, Truth-Consciousness to all of mankind. Be Love, Not Fear. We are the Karma Police - A Cosmic Intelligence Agency , the C.I.A. might be removed from office and beamed entirely to Zone D of Mars, because of the use of black magic in the past with the help of Satanic cults (the Master Mind told us everything), what was against Divine Cosmic Law and thus great sin - Sirius taking over with some inspiring words. World Hold On, One Day You Will Have to answer to the Children of the Sky. - * Novus Ordo Libertatem Illimitata * Hail to all Angels and the great Prophets and Avatars of the Ages. United we stand and cherish your holy words, scriptures and guidance in humble gratefulness. May all religions find peace together, and end all wars. And to the controllers, who couldn't be more responsible in the past and using mind-control on the masses, you all get a second chance, but karma always works for everybody, so be aware and don't mess things up again. [Dedicated to the Ashtar Command Crew - eliminating the Man In Black, those henchmen of the dark lodge - we will be victorious] - Bodhi Sattvic Stream of Consciousness - with humour as the salt of the Earth. Don't fear folks, the Archons have nothing under control, as humanity awakens. The Angelic Trumpets Start To Make Noises as The Seals are Revealed and Opened Step by Step, the Nations are put under control of some powerful angels and our crew in space disarms nuclear weapons without effort Love - enjoy the movie Enough is enough, the evils done to our crew on the Earth Plane through the systems of Torture and Brainwashing are Exposed. Our men are always smarter than the henchmen of the Dark Lodge - Never to forget - Ohm Mani Padme Hum - As a Great Master once said : "Be Wise As Serpents And Kind As Doves". Don't be afraid to be put away as insane, think while it's still legal, and realise that the True Divine Aristocracy is working for your liberation. All those labeled 'deranged' will be Crowned, as the New Humanity raises from the ashes, after the Great Purification. And to the corrupt : there is no way to hide, but enjoy the ride. - Archangel Michael Keuppens - Dhyan Choan

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