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donderdag 16 januari 2014

The Fiery Heart and the Work of the Hierarchy of Enlightened Beings: How Can We Cooperate?

Dorothy R. Tilson*
The one of the Fiery Heart "serves as a living link with the Supermundane World; this honorable cooperation is not easy. Chaotic earthly accumulations cause pain and exhaustion beyond measure. But the one of the Fiery Heart is a true sacrificer and knows that the Common Good is not achieved easily. Supermundane IV, Intro.
"People love to listen to news and to receive toys, but few are ready to refine their consciousness. It cannot be that one of the elements has not been stressed in the Teachings. Fire has been mentioned a thousand times, but now the stressing of Fire is no longer a repetition, for it is a warning about events, which concern the planet's fate. Most people will not be able to say that in their hearts they have been preparing for the Fiery Baptism, although the most ancient Teachings forewarned about the inevitable Epoch of Fire." Fiery World II : Introduction
"We give and thus receive. We sacrifice and thus enrich ourselves."

Before humanity can fully cooperate with the Hierarchy of Enlightened Beings they must recognize the fact of their existence—this group is a past graduated humanity and a step ahead of the present humanity in unfoldment of the Cosmic Plan—the Plan for a synthesization and integration of a totality of enlightened entities within its radial confine. At present this is far, far from realization.
The many religions today worship at the feet of the Great One—the Christ, the Imam, Maitreya, and many other names—but do not accept or realize the immense Hierarchy of Enlightened Beings working closely with this Great Individual. It becomes the task of those who are enlightened to their existence to teach and nurture the lesser entities regarding this Hierarchy—some who are already in incarnation, but all assisting the Great One primarily through meditation of the Plan into existence.
The Cosmic Plan includes our understanding of the seven rays of potent energies—each with its dominant quality—focused wherein we exist—some more potent than others according to location of focus. In our world we are within the focus of the major ray—the second ray of love/wisdom. In the Aquarian Age of which we are now entering, the prominent subray is the seventh ray, which will produce new forms of civilization. However, all subrays are present. The seventh ray includes a stepped-down powerful first ray—therefore the evidence of deeper digging into manifestation, which reveals the hidden, and thus the inevitable changes.
In many places we find the term "Christ consciousness." Could we also refer to this as "Love consciousness?"—the quality of the major 2nd ray of love/wisdom. We have been demonstrating emotional love for centuries—love of individuals, families—even extending to communities, states and nations. But in the Aquarian Age we must learn to demonstrate the quality of wisdom—the conscious mental and intuitional love that includes all the former, but also extends to the inclusion of the planet and the universe. The seventh ray Ceremonial Lord can help us do this as the "Revealer of the New Age."
We already see much synthesizing and integration already in operation. Innumerable charities are springing into existence aiding the less fortunate individuals. Organizational groups are coming together to co-host events. For example, the United Nations Association of New York hosted a briefing with the United Nations Development Fund for Women wherein the problem of "Gender Justice in Post-Conflict Situation" was tackled with many good ideas explored. There are other organizations planning to co-host with 5 or 6 organizations to discuss and offer their various perspectives in solving a common problem.
To work with Hierarchical Enlightened Beings one's personality must be controlled by the soul—to work responsibly; to meet all kinds of challenges; to know the All as One. There are many ways in which one can get involved in working with the evolutionary development of the world, and in world projects. This can be done from the perspective of an individual just knowing and lovingly living in their community, to someone involved deeply in working in the world's problems. If one is inclined to get involved with some aspect of world work there do already exist innumerable Non Government organizations working on practically every aspect of world problems. Columbia University sponsors the Earth Institute headed by Jeffrey Sachs, who states, "My colleagues at the Earth Institute and I feel grateful to be part of a dynamic community that is developing and using cutting edge science to tackle some of the planet's most pressing problems. Our passionate team of 800 earth, engineering, life and social scientists are "out there"—in the countries and communities around the world that need us most. We are working across disciplines to harness science and technology to promote sustainable development, in our own great city, as well as in some of the poorest regions of the world.
"Another way the Earth Institute uses science and technology to promote sustainable development is our new Global Roundtable on Climate Change. With this initiative we are working to bring corporate leaders from the U.S., Europe, India, China, Brazil, and the Middle East together to help fashion a new global consensus on actions to address global climate change among the key international leaders who are critical to shaping public policies and private business decisions. Over the next three years, this Roundtable will involve detailed and on-going deliberations and will be supported by some of the world's best climate and energy scientists, many of whom work at our own Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, the founding institution of the Earth Institute.1 Many students are studying and getting involved in this, and this is open to anyone who may be interested."
Another way to cooperate with Hierarchy is to get involved with the Temple of Understanding (TOU) in its work of Interfaith Education whose mission, "for the past 44 years has been to promote interfaith understanding and cooperation through education. Given the current global climate of religious mistrust and animosity, there has never been a greater urgency to establish a spirit of cooperation between religious traditions which makes the work of the Temple of Understanding more needed than ever before.
"The TOU programs serve adult learners, high school and university students and professionals in the field of interfaith education." They offer a "course, 'Spiritual Journeys: Interfaith Perspectives' for professionals and seminary students that serves as an introduction to eight faith traditions. Last year the course was offered for academic credit through New York Theological Seminary. The TOU Youth Programs has grown to encompass multiple initiatives. The TOU Youth Council is comprised of young leaders from New York area religious communities and the interfaith movement who explore and expand upon the strategies introduced in Dialogue in Action to find ways that religions can be used as tools for positive social change.
"The TOU Youth Council members participate in organizing and advising interfaith youth projects, including the 'Annual Interfaith Youth Conference on Nonviolence,' now in its second year … The youth programs also include the opening event of the 'Annual Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence at the UN.' The TOU continues to work to build the field of interfaith education through a collaborative initiative, the 'Consultation for Interfaith Education' a working collective composed of ten interfaith or religious organizations, organizes professional conference, and further research and curricula development in the field of interfaith education." As an NGO at the UN, "the TOU is committed to promoting the role of civil society in peace building."2
There is also the "Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies" at Notre Dame University who sponsor TV programs "Voices for Peace." The University of Chicago also offers peace studies.
Globalization is well on its way. However, "The rise of China and India, the problem of Europe's competitiveness, the unrest in Islamic society around the world, the imminence of aging as a major global issue, the growth of complex corporate supply chains that straddle the globe, the spread of infectious diseases across borders—these are some of the adverse trends that have accelerated"3during the past decade. On the plus side, "the success of globalization in both high- and low-income countries can be readily explained by mainstream economics. Technological change and the international integration of markets have spurred growth in high-income nations, reversing the slowdown of the 1970s. Low-income countries have exploited their comparative advantage in cheap labor to gain large shares of the global marketplace. Before September 11, the disagreement over globalization was the principal fault line in world politics. Even today, ensuring that globalization's benefits reach all parts of the world would provide a bedrock upon which peace and prosperity in the twenty-first century can be built."4
And then we come to the nucleus of humanity, the United Nations, established through Hierarchical efforts, and the endless planetary problems they have on their plate. The Millennium Goals, developed by the United Nations, requires endless work by everyone to have them come to fruition by 2015. The 60th session of the General assembly will meet in September 2005. "The summit will be an event of decisive importance. It will comprehensively review the implementation of the Millennium Declaration and the integrated follow-up to the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic social and related fields. It will, however, be more than that: it will provide us with a unique opportunity to inject new energy into the pursuit of the vision embodied in the Millennium Declaration. ... Decisions to be taken at the meeting may determine the whole future of the United Nations. Even more important, they will offer us our best—perhaps our only—chance to ensure a safer, more just and more prosperous world in the new century, not only for our own sakes but for those of our children and grandchildren. ... to reach agreement on decisions that will truly fulfill the commitments contained in the Millennium Declaration, giving us a stronger and more effective United Nations as an instrument for achieving a better and safer world."5
Regarding goal One of the Millennium Goals (eradicate extreme poverty and hunger), Colin Powell states, "The root cause of poverty is social injustice and the bad government that abets it. Poverty arises and persists where corruption is endemic and enterprise is stifled, where basic fairness provided by the rule of law is absent. In such circumstances, poverty is an assault against human dignity, and in that assault lies the natural seed of human anger. ... the human spirit must be unshackled so that entrepreneurship, investment, and trade can flourish. The goal is the indispensable social and political precondition for sustainable development, it is the means by which we will uproot the social support structures of terrorism."6
Meditation is one way of working with the Hierarchy of Enlightened Beings. Intuitional cooperation with them, together with hard physical work, are the ingredients necessary to help solve world problems—and thus help to bring our planet into alignment with Cosmic Plan.
*A talk given at the roundtable, "Hierarchy and the Fiery Heart—The Way of the Future Cooperating with the Supermundane World", held Sunday, 23 January 2005; 2:00 P.M.- 5:00 P.M., at Three Jewels Outreach Center, New York City.
1 Columbia University Letter to D.R. Tilson, December 17, 2004.
2 The Temple of Understanding Newsletter, Fall 2004.
3 "The Global Economic Challenge," Jeffrey E. Garten, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2005, p. 48.
4 "Globalization's Missing Middle," Geoffrey Garrett, Foreign Affairs, November/December 2004, pp. 86, 96.
5 United Nations General Assembly, General Distribution, Document A/59/54, November 1, 2004.
6 "No Country Left Behind," Colin L. Powell, Foreign Policy, January/February 2005, p. 30.

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