Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

vrijdag 17 januari 2014


One should be reminded of those who overcame superhuman obstacles, and understand the complexity of the circumstances that surrounded them. History did not record all the dangers that threatened them from near and far. People suppose that heroic deeds are performed spontaneously, without preparation, but in reality many thoughts must take form before a firm decision to carry out a selfless act can be made.
The most valiant heroes have recollections from early childhood, whenthey had visions and dreams and heard voices that called to them and led them. Certain ideas were formed during their childhood that manifested much later. Heroes can describe how certain invisible forces directed their actions, and how they at times would spontaneously utter words whose meaning they did not understand until later. Thus, Our influence flows to many co-workers and strengthens their courage. We appreciate the gratitude We receive for the constant care that We bestow upon heroes.
Our Abode is the focal point of stout-hearted decisions. But We have to practice great patience so that these decisions do not interfere with free will. Thus, with regard to Our patience, We can be considered examples.
Not all potential heroes will reach their goal, because their free will often rebels against their own determined decision. But if people realized how ardently We try to help them succeed, they would see how beneficial it is to cooperate with Us. Then podvig will be kindled, and felt as the highest joy. Supermundane I: 98*

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