dinsdag 29 oktober 2024

Prayers to Shiva.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits that are consumed by hatred and anger against God.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits that are consumed by hatred and anger against human beings.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits that are consumed by hatred and anger against anything positive, especially spiritual light.

Beloved Shiva, use your unlimited Sacred Fire to consume all demons and dark spirits seeking to hinder my spiritual growth and my Divine plan. Do the same for all people in my circle of influence.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits seeking to stir up my emotional body and prevent me from being in control of my emotional reactions.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits seeking to prevent the free flow of creative energies through my emotional body.

Beloved Shiva, cut me free from all ties to the astral plane that I might have developed in this or previous lifetimes.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits that are consumed by hatred and anger against human beings.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits that cause people to be engaged in any form of crime.

Beloved Shiva, consume all demons and dark spirits that cause people to commit suicide, either directly or indirectly.

Beloved Shiva, consume the beast of discrimination that blinds people to all forms of discrimination, including poverty and the suppression of women.

Beloved Shiva, consume the war beast that cause people to be blinded to the reality of war and conflict.

Source : Kim Michaels, Cosmology of evil.

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