dinsdag 24 september 2024

Wisdom of today by Gabriel Cousens.

The seed of our actions do not necessarily get worked out the same day. Sometimes they get worked out forty years later. That is als the way of "satan". Satan is a Hebrew word meaning "obstruct". There is no person with a red tail and horns, but rather a force of darkness that tries to delude us, and either blocks or elevates our evolution, depending on how we respond to the teaching inherent in the situations that come our way. Our lessons are often complicated, because our actions are often seperated from the results. It is not always as simple as when you overeat and then get sick, as an instant result. It is more common that we overeat and indulge in sugar, and twenty years later we develop diabetes. In the moment, we tend to seperate the action from the result. That is how we get sucked into repeating out-of-balance actions, because we do not see the results immediately. Sometimes we do, but most of the time we do not. It all comes back to creating holiness in the mundane, in everyday actions of our lives. There is no word for "vacation" in Hebrew. Chofesh, the modern Hebrew word for vacation, does not exactly mean vacation; chofesh means freedom. Change the vowels, and you get chee'pays, which means "seek". If you want to create holiness in every moment, in every circumstance. We have Shabbat, for example. We get a break every seven days, but we never get really a break from creating holiness. Satan takes no vacation. There are no breaks here. So in response, we would do well to live that in every moment, and remember that every thought and every action can be holy, can be sanctified. 

Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment, Dr Gabriel Cousens.

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