zondag 15 september 2024

Wisdom from the Great White Lodge and the Halls of Amenti for humanity. The time is NOW.

God’s Army

Mightiest Army is the cosmos. A massive, mighty, and majestic Army of Angels,Elementals, Avatars, Ascended Masters, Christed Extraterrestrials, Starships, Flying Saucers, Galactic Battleships, and an endless assortment of Interdimensional Space/Time vessels and their crews. God’s Army has never been defeated—and never will be defeated!

Indigo Children

Highly psychic and spiritually advanced children who have been incarnating over the last few decades to help establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth. Many of the Indigos have had a tough time adjusting to Earth life and have been misdiagnosed as Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenic, Delusional, or mentally ill in any number of ways. The Indigos are not mentally ill, just highly advanced beings that often have a tough time “fitting in” and “adjusting” to Earth society. The salvation for these “lost” Indigos is to reject what doctors and society have “labeled” them, own their Indigo status fully and completely, and immerse themselves in helping the Earth transition into The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment!

The Matrix

“The Matrix” is a 1999 Hollywood movie that exposes the evil controllers of Earth and the false paradigms of Earth. The story and contents of this movie were entirely channeled by The Great White Lodge to the screenwriters without their being aware of it. This movie is required viewing for the 144,000.


Prayer is Talking to God. Meditation is Listening to God. Meditation is simply Quieting the mind a little more than usual

Billy Meier

Billy Meier is a Swiss farmer. Flying saucers have been landing on his farm since 1975. They are a Christed race from the star system Earth astronomers call M-45. Billy Meier has published many books with photographs documenting his experiences with his Extraterrestrial Friends. Of the many UFO contactees who have published books and photos, Billy Meier’s books and photos are the absolute best! Billy Meier’s best book is Through Space & Time

Negative E.T.’s

95% of extraterrestrial races are friendly Christed races who worship God and help Earth all they can and are allowed to do by Cosmic Law. However, roughly 5% of E.T. races are evil Dark Lodgers who are doing the exact opposite. It is very unlikely that you will ever have to deal with a Negative E.T. in your lifetime, so Negative E.T.’s are not something you should fear or dwell on. Negative E.T.’s come in all shapes and sizes and emit a negative vibration that is easily detectable. The nice thing about the 95:5 ratio is that it clearly shows how GOOD far outnumbers EVIL in the galaxy.

Neuroses & Psychosomatic Pains 

The epidemic of neuroses and psychosomatic pain on Earth is astronomical and on the rise. Earth doctors have no answer to this epidemic save for prescribing pain killers and antidepressant drugs that do nothing more than numb the patient’s brain and render him a zombie. The cause of all neuroses and psychosomatic pain is unnaturally high levels of stress, and there will continue to be unnaturally high levels of stress on Earth until Earth enters the New Age of Christed balanced living and Universal Brotherhood, but there is currently much resistance to Earth entering the New Age from The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance, as well as from the vast majority of Earthlings who have an innate distrust and resistance to change even when it is for the better.


Starseeds are people whose previous incarnations were on more advanced planets. Starseeds have volunteered to incarnate on Earth in an effort to help facilitate the spiritual evolution of this planet. Starseeds have great charisma, unusually compelling eyes, a nagging sense of being from somewhere else, an urgent need to find and fulfill their mission, a chronic dull pain in the back of their neck, and chronically congested sinuses (these ailments are caused by a difference in monadic frequency between the Starseeds home planet and Earth). Starseeds also volunteer for these “Foreign Missions” because they earn a ton of Ascension Points for doing so, and thus greatly accelerate their own cosmic evolution as part of the bargain! The Dark Lodge is very much aware of Starseeds and does their best to hinder, block, and disable as many Starseeds as they can. For this reason, Starseeds must face and overcome many more obstacles & challenges than a normal person.

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