zondag 22 september 2024

Blue Eyes: The Ancient Gods and their Royal descendants. #SiriusDisclosure

Hitler targeted Blue Eyed, blond hair teutonic people.
They (We) are all Royal Family.

Forgive us, there are good people involved.
Even in dark places like the maffia (ruled by the royals) and the black nobility papal bloodlines.
Indigo / Starchild / Crystal children are born en masse in these families to help free humanity
I am part of the 144 000
And God's Army will never be destroyed

There are secret societies who work in a good way (the Essenes included) to free humanity.
Hugo Claus warned that the fascists are afraid of artists, jews and freemasons because some of conservative middle class in Belgium thought that these people were demonic whilst there are angels amongst these people. Saint Hugo was right.
Hitler was a monster who developed MK-Ultra in the concentration camps.
Lots of freemasons, theosophists, jews, gays, socialists and so on ended up in the camps.

I recommend the book The Sorrow of Belgium by Hugo Claus. A warning for the elections to come in Belgium. Vote for freedom. Avoid extremes.
Politicians, don't be demagogues. Be discrete and trust few  because politics is centered in the lower chakra's and the ego but good politicians in power can save the world, but those altruists are few.
Don't bow down for the Military Industrial Complex because it is a creation of the fallen beings.

The second world war was just a fight within high class families.

A taxi driver told me that the secrets of world war 2 are hidden on Suisse bank accounts as the nazis put all their money there. The Suisse guards protect the Vatican. This shines another light on the neutralitity of Suisse. The Lucifer Trust has also it's United Nations Lucifer Trust center in Suisse.

Connect the dots.
Question everyting.
1984 and Brave New World is temporary according to a wise Jewish Rabbi.
Messianic Times, David Icke,
And that's a good thing.
Freedom for all of humanity
And it won't be Luciferian.
The Age of Michael was predicted by Rudolf Steiner.


Keep Hope in Your Heart.

Kristo Gabriel


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