maandag 19 augustus 2024

Wisdom of today.

"Modesty is a jewel beyond price, and beyond the power of description. In men, it is the shadow of a noble mind: in women, it is the light of a pure soul. St Bernard happily styles it, "the jewel of manners, the sister of chastidy; the guardian of reputation, the portion of all goodness."

Aristophanes said, 'Poverty is the mistress of  manners; and, severe and harsh as she seems, the school of virtue, in her state, is chiefly kept.' And Euripides declared that 'Riches bring on vices, but poverty is oftener attended by wisdom; and the most truly brave and worthy men were content with having only the neccessities of their life supplied." 


Source : The Perfect Gentleman or Etiquette and Eloquence (Paperback) 

I want to make clear that I want to encourage people with little resources. I am opposed to communism for sure.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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