donderdag 18 juli 2024

Warning : Drug addiction is a trap orchestrated by the black lodge. Don't fall for it.

  • People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs, human beings will behave like asses.

This was a Vedic prediction from thousands of years ago.

This is a characteristic of the Age of Kali. Don't fall for it.
Prayers for all addicts worldwide, that they may wake up and get clean and free.
The war on drugs might not be the solution, because it's a fake excuse to install a police state, according to Bill Cooper's book "Behold, A pale horse".
(According to Marcel Messing, there are many people in the secret service and the police who don't want this.)
Raising consciousness is the real solution and investing in prevention.
I still am for a decriminalisation of marihuana.


K. Gabriel

Source & Recommended literature : Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defence, The Classic Instruction Manual for Protecting Yourself Against Paranormal Attack

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