maandag 15 juli 2024

Torah wisdom of today.

And when the messiah comes, it is prophesied that he will not be eating meat. The messiah will be a vegetarian, and so will all the animals, including the wolf and the lion, the bear and the leopard (Yesha'yahu 11:6-7). Until that time, we need to be patient and understanding. Gradually, the world is being forced to give up a meat-centered diet as the planet's resources dwindle and the general toxicity of pesticides and radiation is more concentrated the higher we go up the food chain. Some research suggests that radiation alone is thirty times more concentrated in beef than in vegetables. The eating of flesh food also creates poor health, because a high-flesh food diet is a major contributor to two to four times more cancer, up to four times more heart disease, and two to four times more diabetes.

Source: Torah As A Guide to Enlightenment, Gabriel Cousens

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