vrijdag 28 juni 2024

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on LSD and other drugs.

You are spending millions of dollars for giving up this LSD, and our power is so strong, as soon as one comes, he gives up.
Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad:

Prabhupāda: And "You do not know what is good. It is good. We have given up these bad habits, sinful life. It is not... But you have no idea that these are good. You have idea, but out of your definite malice you cannot appreciate. You are spending millions of dollars for giving up this LSD, and our power is so strong, as soon as one comes, he gives up. But you are so rascal, you do not appreciate. That means you are rascal. Our power is there; our reaction is there for good. That's a fact. But you cannot understand. You are so rascal; you are so fallen down.

They are surprised that as soon as this LSD man becomes my disciple, he gives up immediately.

Press Interview -- October 16, 1976, Chandigarh:

Prabhupāda: No. That is very favorable. No. Otherwise, it was impossible. At least in America they have never prevented me. But in Europe especially in England and Germany, they, the Christian group, they are little angry with me. But so far America, they are very liberal. They never put any impediments in my movement. Rather, government appreciates. The appreciated one point, that the American younger generation, they have become addicted to this LSD, intoxication, and they have spent millions of dollars to stop this, but they could not. But they are surprised that as soon as this LSD man becomes my disciple, he gives up immediately.


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