vrijdag 31 mei 2024

Wisdom of today.

We've looked at how living foods support the child's unfolding aliveness by nourishing the body-mind and emotional IQ; now we'll discuss living foods and the child's social development. First of all, let's clarify by what is meant here by social development. What we are referring to, in the context of the culture of life and liberation, is supporting the child in the unfolding of their Divine expression as a confident, strong, positive, thoughtful, cooperative, respectful, honorable, responsible, compassionate, spiritual, loving, whole and helpful member of our interdependent global family, positively supporting the overal evolution of humanity.

We are talking about raising the next generation of healers, builders, leaders, problem-solvers, and holy ones who, because they are in touch with who they are as children of the Divine, may potentially usher in the next Golden Age or Messianic Times. These are children who naturally shine their light. This ideal is worlds away from teaching the child to seek to be like everyone else in order to fit in.

Source : 

Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children by Gabriel Cousens and Leah Lynn.

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