zaterdag 25 mei 2024

Wisdom of today.

“Think for a moment, now give up your sleep and wake up, and at least earn some good deeds. Your son, wife, relatives, friends, wealth and possessions will not go with you. Only the true form of the Absolute- Self and the righteous actions that have been performed with a sense of duty will accompany you."

‘How subtle is the subject of spirituality! Many great scholars have faded to understand the essence due to their pride. It is not a child’s play to grasp the essence of the scriptures. It is like finding a diamond in a heap of garbage. Only if a saint showers his grace can the meanings become clear. All the teachings of the saints and scriptures are based on the state of the chitta. If something is appropriate in a particular situation, die same thing is inappropriate in another. Sometimes dutiful action is appropriate and on certain occasions abstention. I did the mistake of not being able to pay attention to the state of my chitta and lied to Gurudev. Swamiji Maharaj is so compassionate that not only did he forgive me with a generous heart, but also bestowed me with such a great blessing. Now my only duty is to follow his instruction.

Kalikishore had a feeling that Swamiji Maharaj was saying, “Great beings are created only through dire circumstances. If scarcity gives rise to difficulties, then it is these difficulties that add luster to life. Absence of adversity makes a person aimless, lazy and indulgent. Scarcity is the greatest wealth. A lotus blooms only in the swamp, so have patience. All this is the manifestation o f your destiny. Let your destiny get erased. Do not forsake your duties and continue your sadhan. Your worldly life is also a form o f your sadhan. “All the great beings have risen above this level and attained sainthood. All of them had to struggle with penury, difficulties, problems and adversities. Everyone has had to endure a lot. The depletion of destiny is undoubtedly the establishment of detachment, and destiny can be wiped out only by enduring it with a sense o f duty. For this very reason I inspired you to jump into this blazing fire. Only this blazing fire can reduce your destiny to ashes. T h a t is the way of saints. Nobody can become a saint without burning destiny to ashes. Only then are the inner layers removed and the path to inner progress illuminated.”

Swami Shivom Tirth.

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