zondag 26 mei 2024

Wisdom of today : don't be attached to wealth or fame.

In The Last Composition, Swami Vishnu Tirth, our Parameshtiguru (Swamiji’s teacher’s teacher) lays out how to relate to material things for Swami Shivom Tirth (our Paramguru ie Swamiji’s teacher) and all of us. Vasana is a mental tendency, such as pride, desire, fear. My limited understanding is that they are essentially a chain of samskaras that influence our everyday perception and behavior.

I [Swami Shivom Tirth] said - If one does not possess any wealth, fame, riches and rights etc. but at the same time is conscious and aware of their absence and keen to acquire all this, then is this keenness also equally vicious?

Maharajshri [Swami Vishnu Tirth] - Wealth, splendour, authority etc. are not vicious or painful on their own but it is the attachment, desire and the greed for them which is. It is the wealthy guy who feels the paucity of funds the most and is always engaged in earning more and more wealth. Politicians are normally greedy for fame and, power. Artists, players and the wrestlers are worried about their popularity. They always desire to be one up from the other. It does not mean that art, intellect etc are roadblocks in Sadhan. Rather they are helpful on the path of spirituality. However, when one gets attached to these and envisages them as the source of acquiring fame and money that they become impediments in spiritual progress. Both the disciples of the old Swamiji saw his cottage as property and a desire to acquire it possessed their mind.
It is the vasana which is at the root of all grief and adversity. Vasana makes the living beings cry, dance, and distracts them from their main aim. Freedom from these inclinations and vices is the indispensable ladder to spirituality.

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