maandag 13 mei 2024

Wisdom of today by Rabbi Gabriel Cousens.

  • Goodness accompanied by egocentric intention alone, and thus not aligned with the bigger picture, can be spiritually disastrous.

  • Not honoring one's elders, and deciding halakhah in front of one's teacher without permission, creates an energetic break with the lineage (see Talmud Yerushalmi, Shevi'it 16a)

  • Doing ceremony while in a state of inebriation, wether on alcohol or other drugs, can result in serious imbalance.

  • Being in a state of ego rather than bitul, while presuming that one is doing the will of God, can be disastrous for spiritual life. The exception to this is the rare case of tzaddik, who is in such a steady state of deveikut that the individualized expression or word is the will of God.

  • Insufficient awe and respect for the divine energies jeopardizes one's spiritual position within.

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