zaterdag 18 mei 2024

Wisdom of today by Janet Jackson

It's an honor for Antwerp to have Janet Jackson
performing here this year.
I have my ticket.
I agree with Dr Shiva that
we have to build bottoms up
movements for change and that we don't have to focus too much on celebrities,
but Michael is still in my heart,
as is Paris, and LaToya 
Michael's mother and all the other members of the Jackson family.
As a young boy I watched all day long to Michael's concerts from age 6 or 7 already,
so seeing Janet live is a dream coming true.
Michael appeared in a dream to me in the past,
asking to keep an eye on Paris,
so I want to be somebody who is real,
and where you can count on.

For the Jacksons,
with deep gratitude,
love and respect.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

P.S. I hope that those who carry
some Light can keep on shining
in this Age of Kali
and make a difference.
We are all influenced by the bad qualities of Kali
that's why I keep on returning to yoga and meditation
To reconnect with G-d
and make wiser decesions
with integrity and authenticity


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