zaterdag 18 mei 2024

What did you do on Saturday?

I walked to the Central Station of Antwerp in order to find the local devotees for a kirtan on the streets but I couldn't find them. There was a refugee from Palestine who asked me some money for his child in the hospital but I myself had no money with me, so he shared some bread and cookies with me, what I loved so much. You see how easily people can unite? It's not difficult.

In the weekends I honor G-d so I don't work. I am following some online lessons in music production because that is one of the things that makes my heart sing. I am for homeschooling for sure. There are some good school around, but please be aware of the dumbing down of public education.

Here's why :

Let's take care of eachother, awaken the spark of the divine in all of us, and realize our life's purpose.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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