donderdag 9 mei 2024

Sri Aurobindo's teaching : overcoming being slaves to the sex-impulse and the body's addiction to food.

I felt that my body needed some extra food so I skipped the fast at the time of the new moon. My body needs extra vitamins at the moment and needs to be nourished. Thanks to Michael Beckwith I realized this. I am very good at refusing the craving for eggs, meat, dairy or fish. It's difficult but I hold on. 

Sri Aurobindo teaches the following :

"The will might control the organs that deal with food, safeguard automatically the health, eliminate the greed and desire, substitute subtler processes or draw in strength and substance from the universal life-force so that the body could maintain for a long time its own strength and substance without loss or waste, remaining thus thus with no need of substance by material aliments, and yet continue a strenuous action with no fatigue or pause for sleep or repose. The soul's will or the mind's could act from higher sources upon the sex centre and the sex organs so to check firmly or even banish the grosser sexual impulse or stimulus and instead of serving an animal excitation or crude drive or desire turn their use to the storing, production and direction towards brain and heart and life-force of the essential, ojas, of which this region is the factory so as to support the works of the mind and soul and spirit and the higher life-powers and limit the expenditure of the energy on lower things. The soul, the psychic being, could more easily fill all with the light and turn the very matter of the body to higher uses for its own greater purpose.

This would be the first potent change, but not by means all that is possible or desirable. For it may well be that the evolutionary urge would proceed to change the organs themselves in their material working and use and diminish greatly the need of their instrumentation and even of their existence."

Sri Aurobindo, The Mind of Light

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