vrijdag 10 mei 2024

Many leaders in charge have high levels of psychopathy in their personality. We don't fear you. Your time is coming to an end.

I once saw a documentary of a sexually abused girl who had developed sociopathy. After much love and care, she healed and committed herself to helping the weak. Our politicians show many characteristics of psychopathy according to one of my teachers. They can learn to put themselves in the shoes of others. Leaders are expected to protect the weak, not exploit them. You will stay away from the lowest wages and benefits or you will have to deal with me. The revolution is just around the corner. Don't provoke them, ladies and gentlemen politicians. Enough is enough. Empathy will teach you a lesson. You lock us down, we shut you up. Angelic patience is also running out. Be warned. We are many, you are few.

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