woensdag 8 mei 2024

Eastern teachers & Prophet Mohammed, Jesus, Krishna and many others in the index of spiritual teachers.

Eastern teachers: The various Eastern gurus who come to the West, such as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Swami Prabhupada (of the Hare Krishnas) are all disciples of a certain Master. They are sent to the West to introduce one or other form of meditation or spritual practice.
There are also Avatars that appear in India, such as Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Sai Baba. They are not actually members of this planet's Spiritual Hierarchy but 'come in' from outside the planet. The group of Masters involved with the Western world (such as DK, Morya, and Koot Humi) are members of the Trans Himalayan Lodge. Unlike the members of the separate, South Indian Lodge, these Masters do not work openly as yet, but are in the process of emergence into the everyday world following the Day of Declaration.

Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) (3.4) (570-632) Prophet and founder of Islam. He was overshadowed by Jesus for four years.

Sri Krishna (5.0) (c3000 BC) Avatar. Maitreya overshadowed Sri Krishna. Despite the discolouration that has occurred by its dissemination over the centuries, the Bhagavad Gita remains a fairly accurate allegorical statement of His teaching for that time. Krishna is now on Sirius.

Jesus the Nazarene (4.0) Born on 15 March, 24BC, to Joseph (2.2) and Mary (2.2), and died on the cross at the age of 33. Received his early training in the Essene community. Overshadowed by Maitreya from the Baptism in the River Jordan until the Crucifixion. Three of the close disciples understood this role, but the bulk of the disciples did not know the whole truth. In the Essene scriptures Jesus is referred to as the "pierced Messiah", and Maitreya as the "Teacher of Righteousness". The Dead Sea Scrolls are a more accurate account of the events surrounding the life of Jesus than are the biblical texts. Their discovery in 1947, together with the Nag Hammadi Scrolls in 1945, were inspired by the Master Jesus to shed a clearer light on the events of that time in preparation for the Christ's return today.
He is well known in Bible history, coming before us first as Joshua (2.3) the Son of Nun, appearing again in the time of Ezra as Jeshua, and, as related in the book of Zechariah, he took the third initiation as Joshua.
After appearing as Jesus his next incarnation was Apollonius of Tyana. In that life He became a Master and has been based in Palestine until recently. In the 6th to 7th centuries He visited and taught the Native Americans and Polynesians of the Pacific. He has special work to do with the Christian Churches and will eventually take over the Throne of St. Peter in Rome, the city where He has been based since 1989. He travels around the world a great deal and is one of the most important Masters for the West. He has seven Masters working under him in the Americas.
Writings: Through M. MacDonald-Bayne – Divine Healing of Mind and Body
Through Dr Helen Shucman (via a discarnate disciple) - A Course in Miracles.

Jesus' disciples - All the disciples around Jesus have become Masters. Not all remain with us on Earth. Besides Peter (3.5) (Master Morya) and John (3.0) (Master Koot Humi), the disciples Matthew (2.4), Mark (2.3) and Luke (2.4) are still in our Hierarchy and have important roles to play in the coming time.

Source : https://esoteric-philosophy.net/mast-av-disc.html

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