zaterdag 25 mei 2024

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Marijuana : Toxicity to the brain.

Marijuana : Toxicity to the brain.

Although the authors are in favor of decriminalizing marijuana, and are aware of good research suggesting that it might be useful in certain cases as a cancer therapy and to many people suffering from chronic pain, this does not mean that it is a totally innocuous substance.

From a holistic perspective, although good for ameliorating some pain and cancers, the research shows that marijuana has highly undesirable effects on our children's brains and minds. It shows that smoking marijuana affects brain development in teenagers by altering the neuronal connections in the brain "at a time when the brain should be at a clear state of mind in accumulating memory and data and good experience that will lay a good foundation for the future". (Reuben Baler, National Institute of Drug Abuse).


It is common knowlegde amongst psychiatrists working with drug addiction that higher doses of marijuana can cause temporary psychotic reactions in some people, including hallucinations and paranoia. CNN cites seven studies that have found this to be the case. Teenagers with family histories of schizophrenia are also at higher risk of developing schizophrenia after using marijuana. These observations certainly support those of Dr. Gabriel, whose had a number of patients who became psychotic every time they smoked marijuana. These people were otherwise able to function in the world.

Source :  Conscious Parenting, The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children

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