zondag 12 mei 2024

Dr Gabriel Cousens : A full holistic approach to rebuilding the child's brain.

A full holistic approach to rebuilding the child's brain and life included :

  • vegan diet

  • 80% live-food cuisine

  • organic foods

  • avoid all white sugar, white floor, processed and junk food

  • gluten-free foods

  • low-allergen foods

  • appropriate supplementation, including vitamine B12 and long-chain omga-3's

  • green algae powders, or products such as E-3 Live from Klamath Lake, which act specifically to improve many levens of brain function (Dr. Cousens once observed a four-year-old child who had not spoken begin to speak within four months of taking it regularly.

  • Homeopathic remedies

  • time in nature

  • love

  • minimal TV and video games

  • adequate sleep

  • heavy-metal detoxification

  • healthy bowel flora (Leading research in the dietary treatment of autism is helping us to make the connection between a healthy gut and brain function. One of the common threads among children with autism is the presence of intestinal microbial imbalance, so appropriate probiotics are highly recommended to normalize and upgrade the bowel flora.

  • Avoiding vaccinations (which may cause brain swelling and inflammation)

  • appropriate family counseling to minimize stress and fear and maximize love and safety in the family dynamic. This can often make a big difference.

Source : Conscious Parenting, Dr Gabriel Cousens

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