dinsdag 16 april 2024

Truth from Maria Zeee.

Many Still Don’t Understand the New World Order 🔍

Some people have taken my message of forgiveness for Bishop Mar Mari’s attacker as weakness. How greatly they misunderstand the power of Jesus. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean they are absolved of guilt. It means that we understand what God means when He says “Vengeance is mine.” That does not mean we don’t defend Christianity against those who seek to destroy it. The ones who are doing this most successfully are those who are orchestrating the New World Order, who benefit from Holy Wars more than anyone - including the war they started in the Middle East which they are trying to extend to the whole world by baiting everyone to consent through religious hatred. Governments worldwide are actively working towards this goal, because it will assist them to achieve their one-world government. Our enemy is not one another. We have the power of the Gospel, and Satan is under our feet. Some still cannot read the play here. Right now, a red heifer is being prepared in Israel to be sacrificed to prepare for a false messiah, the Antichrist. Wouldn’t he just love for us to turn against one another to take attention away from the fact they are preparing to give rise to the one who will enforce the Mark of the Beast, the one who will pose as a saviour but will take those who pledge their allegiance to him to Hell? The greatest deception of the evil one is to convince humanity that he doesn’t exist by pointing the finger in every other direction but towards himself, so that he can slowly bring them to the pinnacle of his goal - to take his mark. May the Lord Jesus, the true Messiah and Son of God who died for our sins and was resurrected on the third day protect us from deception in these difficult days. Our enemy is not our fellow man, even the one who is deceived. Our enemy is Satan. May we be ready for the days to come. Christ is King.

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