zondag 7 april 2024

Short update from Kristo's space.

I am very joyful. Doing a lot of Bhakti, Raja & Integral Yoga and a little bit of Jnana Yoga as well, but the main focus is on bhakti for the moment. My first inspiration came from Sri Aurobindo, who thaught His disciples to bring the Higher Light of G-d in Vaikhunta probably to the material existence. So I started on that journey now more than 20 years ago since my kundalini started to rise up through my spine and I had a lot of extreme heat what caused me to cool down in cold water for months every day. The intense energy was almost burning me up. I am preparing a court case where I need to explain to the judge in fact the unexplainable, so I am reading parts from Swami Kripananda's The Sacred Power, A seeker's Guide to Kundalini. As this knowlegde is coming more and more to the West thanks to the visiting Yogis and Swamis of past, present and future, there is a framework where I can start from. It's not easy to tell a judge in court that you are on a spiritual path of enlightenment for 20 years and that it was so often misunderstood as insanity. But that are the facts. I don't do this for the money, court cases cost money, I do it for those who come after me and to give them a sign that if you are right and you know it you will always win on the long run. It might take some time but in the end there is victory. Look to the life of Sri Aurobindo, He was jailed when He was fighting for the liberation of India, but will always be remembered as a great guru, yogi, avatar and philosopher-sage.

I am also thinking about releasing a Club track with the Maha Mantra on it, with George Harrison's sample on it, I only have the demo at the moment, the basic idea is ok, when I listened to it again in Ableton and it sounds okay as a starting point of reference. This is using art to please G-d.

Anyway, now is bedtime. Tomorrow I go to the book shop for the biography of Gopi Krishna, the first person who wrote about Kundalini for the West.

A part from my book on Cosmic Consciousness is (the information comes from Rabbi Cousens) :

Shaktipat initiation (S’micha m’shefa/Haniha ), is the

awakening of the Divine force that is resting in potential

within us. This is known as the descent of Grace. It usually

occurs through a living enlightened spiritual leader, but

may occur spontaneously. Once the spiritual energy is

activated, it begins to spontaneously move through our

body, spiritualizing every cell, every aspect of the DNA,

every chakra, every nadi (which are the channels of the

subtle nervous system), every organ and every tissue, so

that all consciousness becomes activated into the next

evolutionary stage.

The safest and most consistent way that a kundalini

awakening happens is through the tradition of Shaktipat

Kundalini Initiation (S’micha m’shefa/Haniha ). This occurs

when an awakened spiritual teacher with a great amount

of the spiritual kundalini flowing shares the Grace of this

energy with the aspirant. When the combination of this

energy with the kundalini energy of the aspirant is

enough to reach the critical ignition point, the shakti

kundalini awakens. The sharing of this spiritual kundalini

energy through the spiritual teacher may be by look,

mantra, thought, or direct touch. The awakening may

often be a combination of all these ways of increasing the

descending power of the spiritual kundalini: individual

preparation and build-up of the aspirant’s mundane and

spiritual kundalini, group spiritual energy, and shaktipat.

Because shaktipat can happen through sight, kundalini

awakening is possible through looking at the picture on

this page.

The awakening may be the intense classical variety, or it

may be moderate or mild. It occurs according to the

kundalini energy build-up in each person and what their

internal spiritual circuitry can handle. It is important to

acknowledge the mild and moderate awakening, as well

as the classically described awakening, as the criteria for

an awakened kundalini.

 Rabbi Gabriel Cousens

I feel very grateful for having been able to receive all these teachings and I will continu to fight for freedom, not only my own freedom but also for those who come after me.


Kristo(f) Gabriel

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