zaterdag 27 april 2024

Selfless work for humanity.

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I have a lot of visitors from Hong Kong.
China is near to Mongolia where Shamballa is in the Gopi desert. There is an ISKCON Temple in Mongolia, just as here in Antwerp, Belgium.

I am not doing this for fame and fortune,
but to give knowledge and wisdom to the human family.
I am going to study Arabic, Sanskrit and Hebrew in the years ahead.

Krishna Consciousness is being practiced in Mongolia since 9 years. From the very beginning Mongolians were eager to receive Vedic knowledge and be educated in the Vedic culture. At the moment the Mongolian congregation has about 25 active devotees, of which three are being initiated. Some devotees went presently to India, Pune, to be further trained and educated. Recently our first vegetarian restaurant "Govinda" opened right in the center of Ulan Batoor (capital of Mongolia), which is daily being visited by many people. The only existing temple at the moment in Mongolia is a traditional Mongolian housing, called "ger" (yurta) where we hold our Sunday feast regularly. Recently some of our devotees went to a sacred place at the Gobi desert, which is locally being considered one of the energy centers of the earth. It had been predicted that for a long time there would be no rain in that area. However, shortly after performing kirtan, chanting Hare Krishna, it started to rain profusely to the amazement of the local people there, which was considered to be very auspicious.

Through the practice of Krishna Consciousness in Mongolia we experience very encouraging signs, especially the vital interest of Mongolians in the philosophy and life style of Krishna Consciousness, which makes us strongly believe that the construction of a Vedic temple will be of great service to the citizens of Mongolia.

If you understand different languages and religions,

you can help to build bridges.

When I am in India, it can help me to teach English there.
Special thanks to Michael Keuppens for the wise advice.

Love you brother.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

The basic quality of Shamballa is dynamic. Its mode of work is inspiration. It draws response but remains immovable itself. It works not with the Law of Attraction, but by the Law of Synthesis, by a fiat of the Will, based on a clearly formulated purpose and program. Shamballa is also the City of the Gods, “Shangri-La,” said to be situated in the himalayan mountains of Tibet, though in etheric substance. It is there that Men who have achieved the level of consciousness we call ‘Enlightenment’ dwell and it is from there that they serve humanity living on the surface of the planet.The energy emanating from Shamballa is the animating force running through all ‘power points’, sacred centers or sites throughout the planet. Shamballa stands as the ‘One Central Point’ or innermost Heart of our Universal system.The planetary system can be likened to the system of charkas & nadis in the human body. Each are fed by one central power source. Whether this ‘power’ is called Kundalini, the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, or simply the Divine Life, It is expressed through a complex system of micro & macro-cosmic inter-relationships.“It is the prana or mana of eastern metaphysics, the “vril,” the universal medium of occultists, the anima mundi of alchemy. In China it is known as “qi” ..”the primal matrix of creation from which springs the yin and yang forces that give rise to substance and material forms”The more conscious you become of the interconnectivity & synchronized activity between the human, planetary, solar & galactic levels of existence it is easier to see how magnetic & electrical currents & ‘activity’ in any part of the universal matrix is linked & inter-dependent.At key points on the planetary physical-etheric grid lie recognizable power centers such as Mount Kailash, Mount Shasta or Mount Zion. Hierarchy & Humanity are themselves seen as ‘centers’ or outpost for the power generated from the originating or Supreme Center, we call Shamballa.Shamballa is “ the prototypic Holy Land of which all other Holy Lands such as Jerusalem, Delphi and Benares are or have been secondary reflections.” In many traditions and mythologies this primordial center ‘point’ it is known under various names, ‘White Isle’ “White mountain’ ‘Mount of Salvation.’ Its symbol is also seen in the “Tree of Life’ at the center of the Terrestrial Paradise.Accompanying the idea of Shamballa as the ‘Sacred Central Place’ or ‘Heart’ of this self-organizing universal system, it is easier to glimpse how this may be fed by the same One Universal Power. Interrelationships between micro and macrocosmic centers & systems can in one view see the energy emanating from Shamballa as a great ‘stepping down’ process. This ‘Central Heart’ pulses the entire system with ‘Life’ current along definite pathways & via specific alignments to each & every ‘satellite’ or organizing sub-center. This represents part of the Grand Cosmic or Universal Order.When our Solar System, Planetary system & human body is seen in this light then some of the processes of the Solar or Planetary Logos, viewed within the context of this “Divine” order take on more immediate relevance and relationship.“In line with the notion of “Gaia’ which sees the planet as an integrated whole, expanded to the entire cosmos the web of “Life’ sees an interactive and evolving single living entity, with each part cooperating with every other part to promote a continuation and evolution of more life. All the planet’s self-regulating mechanisms, point to this conclusion.”This Life is seen as a Supra-Being organized around a Supreme center which we give the name, Shamballa.Throughout time many names have been given to the Supreme Center from which all life is ‘inspired’ & ordered into activity. This is the zone of the Absolute. From this “Sacred Place” the triplicity of power (Will-Love-Intelligence) that is at the center or core of our heart, or the Heart of Solar System or the Galaxy, emanates.Shamballa’s ‘veiled nature’ is not only the subject of myths & legends but is also at the ‘heart’ of the initiatory process, whether viewed or ‘taken’ at a microcosmic or macrocosmic level. For the initiate the relationship with this Supreme center moves from metaphorical or symbolic terms & becomes a ‘magnetic center’ which ‘calls’ and demands knowledge & acquiescence.This is the Point from which all things proceed and to which all things return.This is the initiate Hierarchy of superhuman adepts of the Mystery traditions “…located in a paradisiacal place… a celestial centre at the foot of a ‘World Mountain or World Tree’ representing the Pole of heaven…They are the supreme authority for this planet, forming the governing core of Shamballa” extending their influence from there out through ‘secondary centers’ and outposts into ‘our world.’The representative physical or etheric ‘place’ for Shamballa on the surface of the earth has been the subject of much speculation. “Lamas declare that the profane traveler cannot find the path to Shamballa at all – one must be summoned.’ There is also elaborate myth about an Underworld “Agharti” which in a sense can be see as another or second ‘planetary outpost’ of this Supreme Center.Whether through the study of cosmic rays, the Sun’s solar flares or electromagnetic oscillations, outer solar or planetary polar influences, magnetic currents, lightening or electricity, we can see that all sources of power have their ‘originating point,’ their source, as well as their direction or ‘purpose’ emanating from the Supreme organizing Principle, Shamballa.Behind each ‘point’ stands the One Point, the location-less center at the ‘heart’ of all locations.Shamballa is what lies behind each and every center.It is the Supreme Center, the Central Point from which all manifestation emerges. Shamballa is to be found wherever & whenever one is connected with this central principle, whether that center is at the core or heart of our being, or is represented by the Sun at the center of our solar system or by the Galactic center.” The central primordial state is ‘wholly independent of space.’ Unlocalised, this points attainment re-unites creator & created in indivisible union.”“ According to the Taoist doctrine, the perfect sage is he who has arrived at the central point and resides there in indissoluble union with the Principle, sharing its immutability and imitating its actionless activity. He, who has reached the maximum of emptiness, shall be fixed steadfastly in repose. To return to ones root (to that Principle) is at once the first origin and last end of all beings.”Finally, another element which will play a huge role in our human evolution in the future is the Galactic Federation of Light.Galactic Federation of Light.Long ago, the sacred Emerald Orders of the Spiritual Hierarchies of this galaxy forged a grand spiritual council of the Light. To this sacred entity came the great Beings of Light who created sacred colonies in the star groupings that you know as theconstellations of Lyra, Cancer and Gemini. These grand Beings eventually formed a League of Light whose present progeny is the Galactic Federation of Light. The Galactic Federation is also overseen by the Great Blue Lodge of Creation, whosewondrous Light emanates throughout this Galaxy from a major stargate located in theSirius star system. The Sirius star-nation is a proud member of the Galactic Federation.The Galactic Federation of Light is made up of many humanities from many worlds committed to the cause of helping Earth ascend. Within the Federation is the Ashtar Command, a division whose members have the sole mission of helping in the ascension process. They send spiritual guides who speak through a few people in this world, who have a special mission here on Earth. These people with a mission are regular humans who have taken birth just like everyone else, however, their spiritual lineage is not native to this world. Those people are light workers and starseeds, whose spirits originate from various worlds within the Federation, such as Lyra, Sirius, the Pleaides, Andromeda Galaxy and countless others. There are also children who are born today, whose current bodies are already more highly evolved than most older humans, and they are known as Indigos and Crystal children.
Sources : &

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