donderdag 25 april 2024

Possible symptoms of Kundalini Awakening (spontanious or after shaktipat).

In 1994, Dr David Lukoff listed “Religious or Spiritual Problem” as a legitimate category in the

DSM-4 and that was about time to do so. Kundalini experiences and the shamanic crisis are now recognised as true problems of mental health. That is already a step further than denying that it exists. The symptoms are listed here : Physical Manifestations

• Feeling rushes of energy, like electricity, fire or warm liquid flooding the body, especially in the area of the spine or the core of the torso (usually moving up the body in some way, but it can also move down it or back-and-forth).

• Dramatic rushes of pleasurable (or painful) warm (or hot or cold) sensations that feel like a thick liquid (or energy or fire) flowing in the body that may sometimes cause sweating or shivering.

• The sensation of a snake (or snakes) going up the spine, the body, or out of the top of the head.

• Sensations that can start in the feet and legs, or pelvis, and move up the spine (in a straight or wavy pattern like a caduceus), up to the top of the head, over and down the forehead to the nose and face, down to the throat, and terminating in the abdomen (it may stop anywhere along the way or skip around).

• The sensation of ants crawling or air bubbles traveling up the spine or elsewhere in the body.

• The dramatic sensation of subtle energy centers (chakras) or channels (nadis—like energetic blood vessels) opening up—it may feel ecstatic or cause a light or heavy burning sensation.

• Pulsating pressure, pain or blissfulness in the sacrum.

• Involuntary body movements (kriyas).

• Feelings of tingling, itching, burning or tickling on the skin or in the body.

• Visions of lights, symbolic images, flames, spiritual guides.

• Everything in the field of vision becomes illuminated, scintillating, vibrating (perhaps causing everything to seem to be connected).

• Feeling that one’s nervous system is overstimulated.

• Inwardly hearing the sound of chanting, celestial music, Sanskrit words, sacred

sounds or tones, bees buzzing, flute playing, waterfalls, birds, thunder, kettle drums, animals.

• Performing spontaneous sacred rituals (that you may have never seen before).

• The spontaneous occurrence of breathing patterns: e.g., rapid breathing, shallow breathing, deep breathing, or the prolonged retention of breath (pranayama).

• Increased or decreased metabolism.

• Gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, diarrhea.

• Nervous energy, hyperactivity.

• A marked increase or decrease of appetite and/or thirst.

• Recurring pains, stiffness and/or tension occurring anywhere in the body, but especially in the back, neck, head, stomach, or big toes.

• Numbness, restlessness, cramps or pain in the limbs.

• Headaches and/or unusual pressure-spot sensations in the head (it can also feel like wearing tight headbands or a tight helmet).

• Increased sensitivity to sound, light, smells, tastes.

• Increased EMF (electrical) sensitivity.

• Increased sensitivity to being around other people (with the perception that you are picking up their moods, general disposition or thoughts).

• Unusual smells emitting from the skin.

• Alterations of sleeping patterns.

• Lethargy.

• The tip of the tongue spontaneously moving to the palette or backward in the throat.

• Tasting a sweet liquid secretion coming from inside the throat area.

• A popping sensation in the sinus cavity above the palette.

• Performing spontaneous, involuntary hatha yoga postures (asanas that you may have never seen before) or sacred dancing.

• Performing spontaneous, involuntary yogic hand movements (mudras that you may have never seen before).

• Performing spontaneous, involuntary yogic contractions (bandhas) in the anus, solar plexus or neck.

• Involuntary, spontaneous chanting (or mantras), laughing, crying, deep sighs or yawns, animal-like utterances, glossolalia, or speaking fluently in a foreign language you are unfamiliar with.

• Alterations of eating patterns.

• Intensified or diminished sexual desires.

• Spontaneous erections (Painful or non-painful) or ejaculation—sometimes without outside or conscious provocation.

• Orgasms caused by dramatically flowing energy (for men, it may not involve ejaculation).

• Feelings of weightlessness or heaviness.

• Eyes spontaneously rolling up in the head (often followed by visions).

• The feeling that one’s body boundaries are expanding.

• Spontaneous ecstasy.

• Racing (or just the feeling of racing) or painful heart problems.

• Temporary loss of eyesight.

• The sensation and/or knowing that there is a vastly intelligent force behind any of the above items.

• Physical problems that are atypical and have proven difficult to diagnose and treat because they are not consistent with known illness and that may they come and go spontaneously, including

activation of latent illnesses (the diagnosis may be psychosomatic. Psychological Manifestations

• Feeling large, even overwhelming waves of compassion, joy, bliss, sexuality, gratitude, forgiveness, harmony, and/or unconditional love (which may feel unrelated to any personal issues).

• Feeling overwhelming waves of anxiety, anger, alienation, guilt or depression (which may feel unrelated to any personal issues).

• Intensification of unresolved psychological issues.

• Fear (or fearlessness) of death or insanity.

• Unusually precise and/or ease in concentrating your attention—or experiencing confusion and difficulty concentrating.

• Spontaneous transcendence of reactive patterns, addictive behavior, problematic habits, social conditioning and/or egoic habits.

• Panicky feelings.

• Mood swings.

• Dramatically awakened creativity, inspiration and/or productivity.

• Heightened sensitivity to the moods of others.

• An awakened harmony or desire for harmony with the earth and/or nature.

• A spontaneous increased interest in spirituality, religion and/or philosophy.

• Spontaneous altered states of consciousness, including trance states or mystical experiences.

• Increased paralysis during meditation.

• A general heightened awareness.

• Thoughts may speed up, slow down or stop entirely.

• Experiencing a paradigmatic shift of awareness, often with an interest in sharing new spiritual experiences with other people.

• Feelings of grandiosity or increased feelings of high self-esteem or self confidence.

• Impulsive thoughts or actions based on mystical or intuitive sources.

• Highly confident decisions based upon intuitive sources that turned out to be “good” or “bad” decisions.

• Spontaneous heightened awareness about your inner nature or psyche.

• A feeling of preparation for some future event and/or a coming together of one’s life events that may involve others’ benefit.

• Spontaneous feelings of detachment and/or abiding in a “witness consciousness.”

• Increased effortless patience and satisfaction with “what is” despite outer circumstances.

• Either gentle, moderate or intense levels of trance-like states that bring peace, joy, and waves of bliss (these may occur during or after meditation, before going to sleep, while dreaming or after waking up, or spontaneously at other times).

• Increased vivid or lucid dreams or visions, sometimes with unusually meaningful, geometric, and/or spiritual content; also there may be meaningful dreams with snakes, volcanoes, earthquakes, bombs, lightning, fire, water, animals or other spiritually meaningful content

• A diagnosis of an atypically manifesting mental illness, marked often by an awareness of one’s changed condition while it was happening (“Am I going crazy?”), while largely remaining functional, cooperative, and interacting well with others, rarely acting out. Extrasensory Experiences Heightened instances of:

• Clairvoyance

• Clairaudience

• Clairsentience

• Clairalience

• Clairgustance Parapsychological Experiences

• Spontaneously acquired new or enhanced anomalous healing abilities

• Spontaneous out-of-body experiences

• Spontaneous remote viewing

• Increased synchronicities

• Spontaneous bilocation

• Spontaneous channeling

• Spontaneous psychokinesis

• An increase in other paranormal events, psychic abilities (siddhis)

• An increase of experiencing other unusual phenomena such as seeing spirits, etc. “High Level” Mystical Experiences

• Experiences of the Divine (while in a light, energy, void or in everyday life)

• Experiences of divinities, avatars, and/or mythological figures

• Absorption of consciousness into profound states of unity and peace

• Nondual realization or abiding (unitive consciousness)

• The absorption of consciousness into mystical states of unity and peace (sometimes while bathed in light, energy or a void)

• The absorption of consciousness into a universal energetic matrix

• Clear perception of existential or cosmological ideas that match reports from well-regarded mystics across traditions and through time

• Experiencing physical existence as positive, serene and dream-like (possibly experiencing the dream-like aspects as being problematic or unsettling)

• A profound sense of I Am That or a pure and open consciousness with no specific identity

• OBEs or visions into what one perceives be higher dimensions, heavens, and/or alternate universes

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