maandag 29 april 2024

In case of skin cancer. #NonProfit #Science

It is safe to take one dose 100 000 IU (International Units) of Vitamine D3 in case of cancer, as I did today.
Sodium bicarbonate also helps.
I have to go for a medical check up because I possibly have skin cancer.

Research by Mark Circus, Michael Holick and Bilbiotheque Pleiades and Zeee Media / Vigilant Fox.

Skin Cancer is curable and not lethal in most cases.
Don't demonise the sun.
Injections with poisons and an acidic body PH and of course years of smoking (what I stopped doing for months now thanks to Prasadam) is the reason and it is curable with baking soda.
Cancer is a fungus, and it is curable.

Keep the faith.

Here to serve G-d, until He calls Me back.
Not here, not Now, not Me.

Swami Nardanand, who has doctors as His disciples, cured a doctor with bloodcancer (leukemia) by advising to do intensive pranayama to get more oxigen in the body. Vitamine B12 is also known for getting more oxigen in the body. I took 4 pills of a B-Complex (BEFACT FORTE) as a protection for the nervous system and it is very good for serotonine production, especially vitamine B6 against depression and vitamine B3 in high doses against all forms of psychosis and schizophrenia. (Do Your Own Research) .

Kristo Gabriel

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