zondag 28 april 2024

Daily research during Essene meeting.

I bought a book from Magdalena P. with info about bodhisattvas and buddhas (book by G. de Purucker), and Christ as an avatar of Shiva. He is seen as in team Jesus according to that book. Dr Cousens says that in CERN, Switserland, they use the Shiva energy to invoke demons and release them into the world. That's not good. Look on the symbol of CERN, you see 666. That's the number of the beast. We are marked by G-d and will never follow the dark side. Dr Cousens admits that Shiva is a power of enlightenment but it can also be seen as the power of the dark side.

These are real forces and there is a dark side to it.

Our work with Dr Cousens is to bring as much light into the world as possible that protects people.

I have a meditation with Swamiji tonight at 3.30 AM Belgium time in a silent room with the devices turned off.

Don't follow the dragon which represents Satan. Follow Michael and His Angels.

I certainly do. Dr Cousens adviced people to turn away from idolatry. You can love music, but don't turn into idol worship. G-d has to be worshipped not idols, and as Mohammed preached, don't even worship the Sun and the Stars. Only false prophets teach to worship idols. Worship G-d and G-d alone and you will harvest the benefits.

Kristo(f) Gabriel

Source : Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment, Rabbi Gabriel Cousens.

Source : https://treeoflife.mn.co

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